ServerDNA 5 is coming back and goes digital this year with huge giveaways
Written by Christine ClomaIt has been a year since we attended our first ServerDNA experience in Malaysia, and ..
It has been a year since we attended our first ServerDNA experience in Malaysia, and ..
The second crossover event between NetEase Games’ acclaimed post-apocalyptic survival game LifeAfter and ..
Pearl Abyss just announced today that a new upcoming game title, the Crimson Desert. The title was first ..
December 3, 1994 is the day Sony PlayStation was officially released in Japan. After its long arrangement ..
The second phase of the crossover event between NetEase Games’ acclaimed post-apocalyptic open ..
Universal Studios Japan has unveiled the official dates for the grand opening of the most anticipated ..
Ragnarok M Eternal Love finally reveals the upcoming event for December and it includes the Christmas ..
There are some reports that some players who abuse the PlayStation Plus Collection are getting ..
Complete designated tasks from Freshmen Training to obtain “Kaede Rukawa info”! “SLAM ..
Since the release of Shadow of the Tomb Raider in 2018, we didn’t see any new game for Lara Croft. ..