Today, Steam just started this year’s STEAM AUTUMN ..
Get the ultimate guide for your favorite video games on GamingPH. We continuously update our page to keep relevant for latest games that needs a guide.
Today, Steam just started this year’s STEAM AUTUMN ..
Earning money in Shenmue 3 is free and you didn’t ..
When Ryo roaming around the Panda Market, he met this ..
When Ryo plays bet games to Bookies in the game, he needs ..
A request mission called Heartbreak Kung Fu can be activated ..
Looking for people that might help you with something ..
There is a request mission in Shenmue 3 called Capsule ..
After Ryu talks to the mysterious man in the Ternary ..
During the initial missions of the game, you’ll ..
After it’s successful crowdfunding at Kickstarter, ..