How to Teleport and Save Location in Black Desert Mobile

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An MMORPG game without teleportation is probably the worst experience for all players that would happen, they need to move from map to map in order for them to reach the destination. Surprisingly, Black Desert Mobile has a teleportation system where you can go to point A and point B, but there are some rules and limitations.

There are three ways to teleport in Black Desert Mobile, and we will discuss them all for you to understand and how you gonna use it.

Table of Contents

  1. Nearby Town Teleport
  2. Save Location
  3. Altar of Memory
  4. Why it Doesn’t Teleport

Nearby Town Teleport

If you’re in need of a potion or in a hurry to go to the nearest town, you can easily do that by its nearby town teleportation.

The teleportation is available by clicking the House icon on the upper left corner of the screen.

Then, click To Nearby Town to start teleporting to the location.

The character will then automatically teleported to the location straight at the Altar of Memory.

Save Location

Just like the Nearby Town Teleport, you could also use the Save Location to save the map as 1-click teleportation or 1-click Auto Path. You could save up to 3 destinations of your choice.

To do this, still, click the House icon found on the upper left corner of the screen.

Use any of the 3 slots to save your current location.

To use it, go to the House Icon and find the save location you had and click the Auto Path.

Teleportation will only apply when your character is on the Altar of Memory, if your character is not at the Altar of Memory, it will usually walk or run through its horse until it reaches its destination.

Altar of Memory

Each map has an Altar of Memory, and you can use it to teleport to the location that you already discovered.

You can find its location by going to the List at the upper left corner of the screen below the map.

Then find the Altar of Memory. Click that so that your character will automatically locate the area.

To use the Altar of Memory, simply go near to it and click the Activate button at the Altar of Memory. If you’re riding a horse, you need to get off to use it.

Why it Doesn’t Teleport

If you’re confused with the Auto Path and the teleportation, the teleportation will only work if your character is near the Altar of Memory. If not, your character will ride a horse to its destination. Except for Nearby Town Teleport, it will automatically be teleported. Some instances like you want to move to the other region but you’re not in the Altar of Memory, you’ll be automatically teleported as well.

That’s it! If you like this, you can check our other ultimate guide for Black Desert Mobile.

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