Do you still remember the Tetris Battle on Facebook a few years ago? It is one of the most addicting games back then where you can play Tetris with your friends or other players around the world. The game is also competitive that you can brag your score with your FB friends by reaching the highest rank in the score leaderboard. But now, it comes to an end as it will stop operating after May 31, 2019 and will be saying goodbye to us forever.

Today, when you try opening up Tetris Battle on Facebook; an announcement appears on the top of the game indicating that “Special Notice: Tetris Battle will no longer be available after May 31, 2019”. Tetris Online Inc., an exclusive online licensee of the Tetris Company in North America and Europe also announced on its official website that they will also closing-down all other games including Tetris Friends, Tetris Battle Drop, etc..
This will be the last time you can play Tetris Battle as it is still available on Facebook for a few months. Why not show some love and pay respect by playing the game with your highest score.
What are your best memories with Tetris Battle? Let us know in the comment section.
sad :/
pleasseeeeeee dontt this is my favorite game on my acc. pleaseee take it back

sameee I’m devastated
Sad, I wish you could continue the game. It’s a nice game, competing with your friends.
so sad : ((
i love tetris battle.ive been playing it for the past 8 yrs.hope you change your mind and not close it down
But why?
This is my favorite online game, I’ve played it for 7 years~~
I just want to arrive The max level. Please don’t shut down this game.
Everyone loves it FOREVER~~
YEAH! WTF is THIS about? WHY are they doing this?!
This can’t be!? alongside of Pet Society my favorite game addiction…Why such remove this game where there are still many who is still fond of it? This is my kind of stress reliever game I hope it will still exist though…FOREVER??
i feel you im addicted to games like pet society, car town and tetris… but why does it get to be shut down? its so unfair huh? why does fb get to do that?
Please don’t remove Tetris Battle, it is my favourite game in Facebook and I use to to kill free time or when I feel stress, this game makes me feel better.
What a shame!
why? there are huge amount of fans and it’s very addictive game why they still want to shut it down?
Please don’t close this site down, I play every day. When I can’t sleep it helps me unwind and I love the Arena playing against other real time players. I would be happy to pay a small subscription to keep it going?
Why???? is there any chance of not closing down?
Nooooooo!!!!! So many people from all over the world are going to be so sad and with a lot of free time.
Whenever I have a tough day Tetris helps me unwind. I been going through a lot the past few years. The death of all three of my dogs. My Father having to go in a home then dying within a year. Then my Mom having a stroke, then a heart attack, multiple operations and me being her caregiver. This was just about the only thing that could let me forget all that and unwind. Now it will be gone.
just reached 110
Why the hell? It’s the number one perfect game for unwinding and stressing down. There is even scientifc reports of tetris beeing psychologically helpful. I love this game since I was 8 years old and it came on Game Boy. I found this perfect version on facebook and now you want to take it away altough there are so many people enjoying it?? This is shit.
I remember the time i came max rank in 2p+, that was niceee
I have been playing it quasi daily since… ages. I shall miss it! Why are you doing this to your faithful firends? :'((((
Tetris is the reason i wake up everyday. And now there is no reason for me to live. Rest in Pieces Tetris.
not only tetrisfriends, but also facebook and steam’s.
I will miss that Tetris battle, my rank almost reach the TETRIS GOD but you suddenly close the game..please change your mind and bring back the tetris battle again..
goodbye forever old tetris <3
u will be forever missed by the players and the fans this game made us happpy and now its all gone it so sad but we have to face it
because of this I stayed late up and feed my addiction until 4a.m. in the morning
I love this game and will really miss it.
lol.. so that’s why i cant play the game since yesterday…. testrisbattle YOU WILL BE MISSED!
Best game ever
Very sad, I’m in pieces. This was the best version of Tetris with the brilliant component of playing against an opponent.
lmao, it was the only reason i was still visiting facebook. Nice going, now it’s time to deactivate my account
my best memories of playing tetris i set my highest score 140 – 160 ! and i have 2 acc { GOD OF TETRIS }
OMG but Why it the most endless lovely game I play it since 30 years I like too much I play it when it was black and wight game and when I see it on facebook that glad me and make me every day open the facebook to play it . please re- open it again it the most public game and it player never born it
No no, can someone explain why it was taken down? Money, better version in development, will it return, or do youth of today lack presence in the numbers of how many players partake in such a ritual.. VR Tetris potentially?? Someone… answers. It must be in the dark web!!
They are shutting down because You all guys were against FLASH, deluded by the fake statements of Apple and Google. They wanted to get rid of FLASH because FLASH platform were offering a lot of super great, super quality games like this, and most of the time for free, but this was preventing GOOGLE and APPLE from making big money by selling these games to you.
Now You know that You all were used as a tool into destroying your own happiness and pocket.
Very sad. This joins Tetris Splash as another painful loss, in the Tetris world.