The Auction House’s second week in Ragnarok M Eternal Love (ROM) has seen heated competion with the sale of the mount Key of Heaven for a staggering 3.2 million pesos or 360,000 BCC (Big Cat Coins, an in-game currency)! In the final minutes of the auction, two bidders, one from China and the other from Indonesia, dominated the bidding process. The global chat was abuzz with activity as players in the world chat reacted with a mix of awe and disbelief; some cheered on the bidders while others expressed their skepticism about the extravagant sums of being spent. Eventually, the highest bid was placed by MaambaaElChap from Indonesia, the same bidder who had successfully won the Ghostring Card auction the previous week.

Another sough-after item, the Golden Thief Bug Card, was sold for nearly 1 million pesos or 110,956 BCC, to a bidder identified as Pupushii from EN12.
Here are the final results of this week’s auction:
- Clock Tower Manager Card sold for 5,136 BCC to
rsnick (TH155) - Golden Thief Bug Card sold for 110,956 BCC to Pupushii (EN12)
- Deviling Card sold for 19,633 BCC to Trisakti (EN9)
- Goblin Leader Card sold for 59,035 BCC to 洛雨 (CN1)
- Maya Card sold for 22,528 BCC to YOUEX8 (TH83)
- Kobold Leader Card sold for 69,896 BCC to Winzza (ID43)
- Mistress Card sold for 8,176 BCC to Selvaria (ID32)
- Moonlight Flower Card sold for 92,880 BCC to 洛雨 (CN1)
- Eddga Card sold for 82,861 BCC to Winzza (ID43)
- Key of Heaven sold for 360,000 BCC to MambaaElChap (ID1)
In total, the week’s auction in Ragnarok M Eternal Love (SEA) accumulated a staggering 7,367,916 PHP or 831,101 BCC. The conversion rate of BCC to PHP used is based on the best discounted price listed on (PHP 5,000 = 564 BCC).
To witness the electrifying atmosphere of the Key of Heaven auction, you can watch the actual event here.
What are these Auctioned Items?
For those who are unfamiliar with the Ragnarok Auction, the items sold are all digital and can only be used in the game. They cannot be traded for real money but are used to enhance character stats. Most items auctioned are end-game items, crucial for the upcoming War of Emperium where various guilds compete to claim victory.
Interestingly, the Key of Heaven is a cosmetic item and a mount similar to Peco-Peco. It has a unique feature – it can be mounted by any job class in the game.
Do you believe this auction was worth the money spent? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!
Who is MambaaElChap
On a closing note, the spotlighted bidder MambaaElChap hails from Indonesia and leads the guild VoltZ. Known as Mambaa in the classic game Ragnarok Online, he recently celebrated his winning bid with fellow guild members, as shared in their guild’s Instagram post.

Keep up the good work bro!
lols XD
Money gaming! MalaCASH players.