Ragnarok Origin (ROO), the mobile MMORPG, has introduced an exciting new feature that allows players to enhance their character stats by using Valkyrie Feathers. These feathers, akin to cards, come in different colors and types, and can be slotted into ten different Valkyrie statues to create various combinations and bonuses. Adventurer can unlock this feature when they reached level 45.
However, it’s worth noting that this feature is primarily geared towards high-spending players, as the most powerful Gold Valkyrie feathers can be obtained easily with Nyan berries, the game’s premium currency. Though in early game, whalers may not be able to fully utilize Valkyrie feathers due to level caps. However, in the end game, the benefits of these feathers can become exponential when spending significant amount of money.

There are three types of Valkyrie Feather in Ragnarok Origin: ATK, DEF, and MIX. The ATK feather can be placed on five Valkyrie statues, while the DEF feather can be placed on the remaining five. The MIX feather can be slotted on any Valkyrie statue, regardless of whether it’s ATK or DEF. Additionally, the socket on a Valkyrie feather can be unlocked once a player reaches a certain level.
Understanding Valkyrie Feather Colors
Valkyrie feathers come in three different colors: blue, purple, and gold. Blue is the most common, while Gold is the rarest and most powerful. Purple is somewhere in between, offering slightly better stats than blue feathers.

However, it’s worth noting that even though blue and purple Valkyrie feathers offer fewer bonus buffs compared to gold feathers, they still have advantages, especially for free-to-play players. The lower tier blue and purple Valkyrie feathers are more common, making them easier to obtain, and they have the advantage of being cheaper to promote compared to gold feathers.
Getting the Valkrie Feather
For free-to-play players, blue and purple Valkyrie feathers can be obtained mainly from the event Helheim Disturbance. There’s a chance of obtaining a gold feather from the Guild Adventure quest. Other quests and events may also offer these feathers, but they are typically limited.

Players can also obtain feathers from the Diamond Shop using diamonds, the game’s free-to-play premium-like currency. However, there is a daily limit of two feathers per day, and they may only limited to Blue and Purple Feather, you can get the Gold feather, but the lowest tier Sky and Day type of Feather.

For semi-spender and semi-F2P players who subscribe to the Nyan pass or Weekly Nyan pass, gold Valkyrie feathers can be purchased from the Nyan Berry Shop. These Gold feathers are sold for 60 Nyan berries each and the most powerful Gold Feather, the MIX card.

For high spender, you can take advantage of 20 daily limit of each Gold feather in the Nyan Berry Shop and use it to promote the feather.
Here are all of the events in the game you can get these Feathers:
- Nyan Berry Shop
- Diamond Shop
- Auction
- Helheim Dungeon
- Space-Time Dungeon
- Guild Adventure
- Guild Vending Machine
- Mark of the Powerful Shop
- Statue Feather Shop
The Gold Feathers
It’s important to note that the most powerful Valkyrie feathers, the gold feathers, come in six different types: Time and Space [ATK], Nature and Divine [DEF], and Light and Dark [MIX]. These feathers serve different purposes and can be switched during battles, both in PvE and PvP scenarios.
In PvE scenarios, players can benefit from using the Time, Nature, and Light gold feathers. Meanwhile, the Space, Divine, and Dark gold feathers are better suited for PvP scenarios. Players can switch between these feathers when participating in GvG/KvM or boss hunts, allowing them to tailor their strategy to the situation at hand.
Using Valkyrie Feathers Color Combination
When using Valkyrie feathers, it’s important to note that players can use any feather they have on hand, as long as the stats align with their character class. However, to maximize the benefits of Valkyrie feathers, players must pair them in specific color combinations to receive bonus buffs.

For those who has Blue and Purple Feathers, here are the bonus stats you can get when combining them in the Valkyrie statues:
Blue and Purple Color Combination
For ATK statues, here are the buffs you can receive from combining Blue and Purple feathers:
[ATK/MIX] Color Combination | Blue and Purple Feathers |
1 Blue 1 Purple | ATK/MATK +21 |
2 Purple | ATK/MATK +24 |
1 Blue 2 Purple | ATK/MATK +34 |
3 Purple | ATK/MATK +35 |
1 Blue 3 Purple | ATK/MATK +37 |
For DEF statues, here are the buffs you can receive from combining Blue and Purple feathers:
[DEF/MIX] Color Combination | Blue and Purple Feathers |
1 Blue 1 Purple | Max HP +210 |
2 Purple | Max HP +220 |
1 Blue 2 Purple | Max HP +320 |
3 Purple | Max HP +420 |
1 Blue 3 Purple | Max HP +720 |
Purple and Gold Color Combination
For those who has Gold and Purple Feathers, here are the bonuses that you can get when combining the most powerful feather in the game.
For ATK statues, here are the buffs you can receive from combining Gold and Purple feathers.
[ATK/MIX] Color Combination | Gold and Purple Feathers |
1 Purple 1 Gold | ATK/MATK +34 Attack Stat + 30% |
2 Purple 1 Gold | ATK/MATK +36 Attack Stat + 30% |
3 Purple 1 Gold | ATK/MATK +37 Attack Stat + 30% |
4 Purple 1 Gold | ATK/MATK +38 Attack Stat + 30% |
1 Purple 2 Gold | ATK/MATK +46 PvP Damage Bonus +20 Attack Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
2 Purple 2 Gold | ATK/MATK +47 PvP Damage Bonus +33 Attack Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
1 Purple 3 Gold | ATK/MATK +57 PvP Damage Bonus +36 Attack Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
3 Purple 2 Gold | ATK/MATK +58 PvP Damage Bonus +63 Attack Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
2 Purple 3 Gold | ATK/MATK +68 PvP Damage Bonus +66 Attack Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
1 Purple 4 Gold | ATK/MATK +78 PvP Damage Bonus +69 Attack Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
For DEF statues, here are the buffs you can get when combining Gold and Purple Feather.
[DEF/MIX] Color Combination | Gold and Purple Feathers |
1 Purple 1 Gold | Max HP +320 Defense Stat + 30% |
2 Purple 1 Gold | Max HP +520 Defense Stat + 30% |
3 Purple 1 Gold | Max HP +720 Defense Stat + 30% |
4 Purple 1 Gold | Max HP +820 Defense Stat + 30% |
1 Purple 2 Gold | Max HP +620 PvP Damage Reduction +17 Defense Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
2 Purple 2 Gold | Max HP +820 PvP Damage Reduction +33 Defense Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
1 Purple 3 Gold | Max HP +920 PvP Damage Reduction +30 Defense Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% (The PvP Damage Reduction is not right, I think it should be +36) |
3 Purple 2 Gold | Max HP +1120 PvP Damage Reduction +63 Defense Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
2 Purple 3 Gold | Max HP +1220 PvP Damage Reduction +66 Defense Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
1 Purple 4 Gold | Max HP +1320 PvP Damage Reduction +69 Defense Stat + 30% PvE Stat +80% |
Feather Dismantling
Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to Valkyrie feathers is that if you have a feather that you’re not using, you can dismantle it to get a new one at the Valkyrie Statue Shop. Each time you dismantle a feather, you’ll receive a tier-equivalent down feather, such as Statue Down Feather (Blue or Purple Feather), Night Down Feather, Time-Space Down Feather, or Light & Darkness Down Feather.

However, you cannot synthesize blue or purple down feathers and upgrade them to higher tier feathers. The purpose of feather dismantle is to allow players to exchange unused feathers for ones they plan to use, not to upgrade them to higher-tier gold feathers.
List of All Feathers
We will be adding a tool to calculate how much you spend when tiering up these feathers soon. For now, here are the list of Feathers.
Feathers | Stats |
Fury Tier 1 [ATK] (Blue Feather) | ATK/M.ATK +1 |
Vigor Tier 1 [DEF] (Blue Feather) | DEF +1 |
Equity Tier 1 [MIX] (Blue Feather) | Max HP +10 |
Valor Tier [ATK] (Purple Feather) | STR +1 ATK/M.ATK +1 |
Glory Tier [ATK] (Purple Feather) | DEX +1 ATK/M.ATK +1 |
Faith Tier [ATK] (Purple Feather) | INT +1 ATK/M.ATK +1 |
Viture Tier 1 [DEF] (Purple Feather) | VIT +1 Max HP +20 |
Mercy Tier 1 [DEF] (Purple Feather) | DEF +2 Max HP +20 |
Soul Tier 1 [DEF] (Purple Feather) | DEF +2 M.DEF +1 |
Grace Tier 1 [MIX] (Purple Feather) | ATK/M.ATK +1 Max HP +20 |
Justice Tier 1 [MIX] (Purple Feather) | DEF +2 ATK/M.ATK +1 |
Truth Tier 1 [MIX] (Purple Feather) | Physical/M.DMG +0.23% ATK/M.ATK +1 |
Order Tier 1 [MIX] (Purple Feather) | Physical/M.DMG Reduction +0.23% DEF +2 |
Sky Tier 1 [ATK] (Gold Feather) | ATK/M.ATK +2 Ignore DEF +2 Ignore M.DEF +2 |
Day Tier 1 [ATK] (Gold Feather) | Ignore DEF +4 Ignore M.DEF +1 PvE Damage Bonus +12 |
Time Tier 1 [ATK] (Gold Feather) | PvE Damage Bonus +17 ATK/M.ATK +7 Ignore DEF+6 Ignore M.DEF +2 |
Space Tier 1 [ATK] (Gold Feather) | PvP Damage Bonus +8 ATK/M.ATK +7 Ignore DEF +6 Ignore M.DEF +2 |
Terra Tier 1 [DEF] (Gold Feather) | DEF +2 M.DEF +1 Max HP +33 |
Night Tier 1 [DEF] (Gold Feather) | DEF +4 M.DEF +1 PvE Damage Reduction +12 |
Nature Tier 1 [DEF] (Gold Feather) | PvE Damage Reduction +17 DEF +6 M.DEF +2 Max HP +108 |
Divine Tier 1 [DEF] (Gold Feather) | PvP Damage Reduction +8 DEF +6 M.DEF +2 Max HP +108 |
Light Tier 1 [MIX] (Gold Feather) | PvP Damage Bonus +11 PvP Damage Reduction +11 ATK/M.ATK +9 Physical/M.DMG +0.28% |
Dark Tier 1 [MIX] (Gold Feather) | PvP Damage Bonus +11 PvP Damage Reduction +11 ATK/M.ATK +9 Physical/M.DMG +0.28% |