What is Debuff Resistance, Reduction and Immunity in Ragnarok X Next Generation

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The MMORPG Ragnarok X Next Generation has been constantly evolving with the introduction of new character classes, skills, and gameplay mechanics. One such recent change has been the addition of Gypsy, Minstrel, Shadow Chaser and Sage classes, which have dramatically altered the PVP landscape, particularly in the KVM arena.

This article will dive you into the importance of Debuff Resistance, Reduction and Immunity in combating the new challenges posed by these classes, and how players can adapt to maintain their competitive edge.

The Sage, Shadow Chaser, Gypsy, and Minstrel Menace

Previously, players who invested time and resources into completing Stun and Freeze Resistance card sets were well-equipped to deal with most threats in PVP from Ranger, Wizard and Knight. However, the introduction of Sage, Shadow Chaser, Gypsy and Minstrel classes has changed the game completely. These new classes possess powerful debuff skills like “Charm” that can cause character to move towards enemy without attacking, “Confused” that makes control inverted, “Dance” that will make character dance like wolf and many immobilized effects. As a result, players need to adapt their strategies and gear to counter these new debuff attacks.

Debuff Resistance, Reduction and Immunity

To effectively counter the new skill effects introduced by those new classes, players must have a clear understanding of the different types of Debuff mechanics in Ragnarok X Next Generation.

There are only two main types of Debuffs that players need to be aware of. However, the game uses different mis-communicate the translations for immunity, which can cause confusion, but in simple term, it is actually the Debuff reduction.

It’s important to note that there are both PVP and non-PVP versions of these debuffs, with non-PVP debuffs providing only 30% of the actual effect. Here are the two debuff effects:

  1. Debuff Reduction/Immunity: It focuses on reducing the duration of debuffs such as Stun, Freeze, Charm, and etc. Basically, it reduces the debuff effect. For example, if an effect of Charm is 3 seconds, if you have 20% Debuff Reduction/Immunity, the effect will reduce down to 2.4 seconds.
  2. Debuff Resistance: It focuses on reducing the chance of being affected by debuffs like Stun, Freeze, Charm, and etc. This is the same effect as other resistance card (Stun, Freeze), but covers all kinds of debuff.

Cards with Debuff

There are 10 cards that you can use to gain Debuff Reduction and Debuff Resistance


Brilight Card

Drop Chance: 0.00012%
Type: Blue Armor Card (Elite)

PVP Final P.DMG Reduction +3.6%
PVP Debuff Resistance +3.6%

Location: Clock Tower 1F (Lv.91 Brilight)

Bathory Card

Drop Chance: 0.00026%
Type: Blue Armor Card (Elite)

PVP Debuff Immunity +3.6% (Debuff Duration Reduction)
PVP Final M.DMG Reduction +3.6%

Location: Clock Tower 2F (Lv.93 Bathory)

Punk Card

Drop Chance: 0.00014%
Type: Blue Cloak Card (Elite)

PVP Debuff Immunity +3.6% (Debuff Duration Reduction)
PVP Final P.DMG Reduction +3.6%

Location: Clock Tower 1F (Lv.95 Punk)

Wanderer Card

Drop Chance: 0.00028%
Type: Blue Cloak Card (Elite)

PVP Debuff Resistance +3.6%
PVP Final M.DMG Reduction +3.6%

Location: Clock Tower 2F (Lv.98 Wanderer)

Deviling Card [Void]
Type: Gold Headgear Card

Debuff Resistance +18.75% (only 5.625% on PVP)

Location: Mini Hunt (Prontera West Gate)

King Dramoh Card [Day]
Type: Gold Headgear Card

Debuff Duration Reduction +18.75%

Location: Mini Hunt (Underwater Cave)

Dark Priest Card [Day]
Type: Gold Headgear Card (Elite)

PVP Debuff Duration Reduction +9%

Location: Mini Hunt (Geffen Dungeon 1F)

Beast Titan Card [Void]
Type: Gold Headgear Card (Elite)

PVP Debuff Duration Reduction +5.75%
PVP Debuff Resistance +5.75%

Effect of equipping Beast Titan Card [Day] [Night] [Void] at the same time: [Titan’s Bane]: increases Final Damage Bonus when attacking players with more HP than yourself. Increases Final Damage Bonus by 1% for every 10% of extra HP, up to 30% [Ineffective against monsters].

Location: Limited-Time (Attack on Titan Event)

Fallen Bishop Card [Void]
Type: Gold Headgear Card (Elite)

Final Haste -10%
Final ASPD -100%
HP Regen per 5s +9.3%
Debuff RED +23%

Location: MVP Hunt (Nameless Island – Umbala Update)

Vagabond Wolf Card [Void]
Type: Gold Accessory Card

PVP Debuff Resistance +9%

Location: MVP Hunt (Sograt Desert)

Moonlight White Set

Another approach to countering debuffs is by equipping the Lv.70 Moonlight White equipment set. This powerful set provides a valuable option for players who want to focus on 100% debuff immunity, although it may not be suitable for all classes, especially those that rely on Lv.90 PVP-specific gear. If your character’s damage output is not sufficient to deal with enemies effectively, this set might not be the best choice for you.

Nonetheless, the benefits of using the Lv.70 Moonlight White equipment set grants your character the following advantage:

Set EffectDescription
Moonlight Gift Lv.1
(Must equipped 3 pieces of Lv.70 White Equipment)
Removes self debuffs every 6 seconds and becomes immune to debuffs for 2 seconds, during this duration regen (3% + 1% Ascend Lv.) Max HP every second. (In addition to some debuffs from BOSS and debuffs or resistances that can’t be removed)
Moonlight Gift Lv.2
(Must equipped 6 pieces of Lv.70 White Equipment)
Removes self debuffs every 6 seconds and becomes immune to debuffs for 3 seconds, during this duration regen (4% + 1.5% Ascend Lv.) Max HP every second. (In addition to some debuffs from BOSS and debuffs or resistances that can’t be removed)
Moonlight Gift Lv.3
(Must equipped 8 pieces of Lv.70 White Equipment)
Removes self debuffs every 6 seconds and becomes immune to debuffs for 4 seconds, during this duration regen (5% + 2% Ascend Lv.) Max HP every second. (In addition to some debuffs from BOSS and debuffs or resistances that can’t be removed)

If you have full set, your character will have merely 2 seconds of being vulnerable to debuff skills.

Moonlight Flower Pet

The next one is using the pet Moonlight Flower, using this pet in the battle grants you a PVP Debuff Reduction and PVP Debuff Resistance depending on its level.

However, getting this pet is so expensive.

Strategy to fully Utilize Debuff

For now, we have provided information on the different types of debuffs and ways to counter them. However, this guide is still a work in progress, and we will be updating this specific section with more detailed information on obtaining debuffs and their respective sources in the coming days.

We understand the importance of keeping our readers informed with the most up-to-date and valuable information, so stay tuned for future updates on this topic. Our goal is to help you succeed in the ever-evolving world of Ragnarok X Next Generation by providing comprehensive and actionable strategies.

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Guide · How To


  • G March 23, 2023 2:12 am

    You can also add the rosamunda shield


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