EA announced today that they will begin soon the first regional beta test for their upcoming mobile port of Apex Legends in the selected region. Luckily, Philippines is one out of two countries to try this game during their first wave of beta.

As stated by Chad Grenier, the Game Director of Apex Legends. Later this month they will be kicking off the first regional beta test for Apex Legends Mobile which they dubbed as the huge moment for their team since the day they change the landscape of battle royale genre – two years ago. And now, they are aiming to port it on the mobile.

The port of Apex Legends in to mobile is designed for touchscreen controls, with streamlined controls and thorough optimization for advanced battle royale combat experience giving a new look to the game but without changing much of the original game. Recently, they also ported the game to Nintendo Switch which gives them a handy foundation for porting it on a smart phone devices.

The first wave or regional test of Apex Legends Mobile will be a few thousand players from the Philippines and India, over the course of year, they will be expanding the roll out to more region and adding more players around the world.
For those who are interested and like to join the beta test, you can pre-register here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ea.gp.apexlegendsmobilefps

They also added a news for PC and console players, about the upcoming biggest updates for Apex Legends with a video trailer.