How to Teleport (Fast Travel) in Microsoft Flight Simulator

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Though the main objective of playing a Flight Simulator is to fly a plane from destination A to destination B like in real life. There are some players that are curious with the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, because of its real-time world map showing your favorite localities in the game and exploring these places virtually. But it will take a lot of time to reach these destinations and could take days to travel every tourist spot you want to reach, this is where fast travel or teleports comes in.

This is a very useful features for content creators that want to showcase their area and actually create a video out of it.

Table of Contents

  1. Enable Developer Mode Tools
  2. How to Teleport or Fast Travel
  3. Controls for Slew Mode (Teleport)

In this guide, we will help you how to fast travel in Microsoft Flight Simulator and reach your destination in just a click away.

Enable Developer Mode Tools

First, you need to enable the developers tools in Microsoft Flight Simulator. This tool has lots of useful functions that can change the current environment of your flight, even changing your current plane.

To enable the Developer Tools, go to Options > General > Developers.

Then turn on the Developer Mode. After turning on, there should be a [DEV MODE] menu that will appear at the top of the screen.

How to Teleport or Fast Travel

First, you need a coordinates (latitude and longitude) of the destination that you want to teleport. You can get this via Google Map, just search the location, then right click at the map and click “What’s here”.

Then the coordinates will be displayed at the bottom, take note of the latitude and longitude of the location.

To teleport, at the Microsoft Flight Simulator Developer Tools menu, go to Windows > Teleport Window.

Make sure to check the “Slew Mode”, this will pause the plane from flying, allowing you to manipulate the plane in any direction and altitude you want.

After that, enter the latitude and longitude of the location you wish to fast travel, then click the Go to LatLon button.

Your plane will automatically reach the destination. This time you can now manipulate your plane with the controls below.

Controls for Slew Mode (Teleport)

Since we’ve checked the slew mode, your plane will be automatically pause at the air allowing you for more controls.

In slew mode, you can reposition your plane from any position you want. Below are the list of controls that you can use to position your plane.

For computer (Keyboard keys)

  • F1 – to move downward
  • F4 – to move upward
  • NUM 4 – to strafe right
  • NUM 6 – to strafe left
  • NUM 8 – to move forward
  • NUM 2 – to move backward
  • NUM 0 – to pitch plane upward
  • F5 – pitch plane upward plus 7 degrees (angle)
  • F8 – pitch plane downward plus 7 degrees (angle)
  • NUM 7 – roll to left angle
  • NUM 9 – roll to right angle

That’s it! Hope this guide will help you and learn how to easily reach your destination in an instant.

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Guide · How To · Special

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