Pearl Abyss announced last week with their upcoming new class for the Black Desert SEA and Mobile which will arrived on September 2, 2020. The new class Hashashin is now available to pre-create and can also get rewards while waiting for the official debut.
To know more about Hashashin:

The 20th added new class in Black Desert SEA and Mobile, it possesses a unique ability to manipulate sandstorms. Using the native Valencian god Aal power, Hashashin can teleport in any location using its sandstorm. For wiping out enemies, he can also summon it that can cause devastating damage.
Players can now pre-create Hashashin class in the game until September 2, and players will able to earn special rewards like pet (pearl item).
In addition, Autumn Season will also begin on September 2, as well as the Secret Quest Challenge which offers global ranking rewards per region.
For now, watch Hashashin teaser trailer below.