Facebook is now starting to notify verified Facebook Pages with grey badges. It means facebook will no longer support these types of verification to all pages. Instead, pages must work hard to get a blue badge verification.
Admin of pages will receive a red notification from their page saying “Grey badges will be removed on 30 October”.

With the message containing:
Hi Erwin,
We’re always working on better ways to help people understand more about the Pages they interact with. We introduced grey verification badges in 2015 to show which Pages for businesses and organisations are authentic.
However, we’ve found that they can be more confusing than helpful, so we’re removing them on 30 October. As a result, there will no longer be a grey badge on GamingPH. This won’t impact the way the Page appears in search results.
To learn more about how to help people find a Page and verify that it’s real, please go to our best practices.
The Facebook Pages Team
If you receive this message, please let us know in the comment section below. So we will check if this is isolated or not.
Yes I have received this message on multiple pages I look after for clients on Facebook
I received it, but the “Learn More” click through said that the page was removed and a search of help yielded no results
I have received this message on my pg Randy Parsons Painting LLC. When I click on it it says not available. I don’t know what this is about but it’s very annoying Everytime I log on.
My Facebook page with lose grey badge on October 30
Seems all pages are are loosing the grey badges and all of them receive the same message.