Answers to Cadele Kafra Clerk (Logistic Basics Quest), Al De Baran in Ragnarok M Eternal Love

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After talking to Cadele Kafra’s Clerk at the Al De Baran, she asked you a question how satisfied are you on using Kafra’s service. After that, you’ve asked to talk to three company’s elder for advice named; Elodie, Sakura and Sicily.

The answer’s to Cadele’s test question are actually mentioned when you talk to the three NPC’s. You may try to talk to these NPC’s to get the answers.

But to help you, here are the answers to the questions (5,000 Years, Rarely / Seldom, Thief Union and Canal System)

This quest can only be unlocked when reaching level 90.

Answers to Cadele Questions

You know how old the Kafra is? The answer is 5000 Years.

For the clock tower in Al De Baran, our company or our staff visit it? The answer is Seldom or Rarely.

Which are not Kafra head office’s main guests in Al De Baran? The answer is Thief Union.

What counts for Al De Baran’s high development? The answer is Canal System.

That’s it! The quest should now proceed to the next mission.


Once you’ve completed the quest, you will be rewarded with the following:

  • 7130 x Zeny
  • 50 x Tattered Time Pointer
  • 10 x Fly Wing
  • 127,440 Base EXP
  • 73,920 Job EXP
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