Answers to Rani’s Disturbance Quest, Clock Tower 1F (Al De Baran) – Ragnarok M Eternal Love

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One of the quest in Al De Baran, there is a cute NPC boy named rani and he asked you questions about the Clock Tower 1F, to prove if you’ve been really in that place.

The answer to his question is actually in the Clock Tower 1F, what you only need to do is to count and locate them.

Here are the quick answers for the quest (DBDD):

  • 10
  • 4
  • 12 O’clock
  • 56

Below are explanation of each answers for the questions from Rani.

Answers to Rani Questions (Rani’s Disturbane Quest)

How many maintenance boxes are marked in yellow on Clock Tower 1F? The answer is 10

(You just have to count these maintenance boxes that are marked with yellow, use camera to count them they’re 10 in total)

How many mechanical arms are there next to them? The answer is 4

(next to the yellow boxes, there’s an mechanical arms, they’re 4 in total)

There is a blue dial plate on the floor on clock tower 1F. Where does its longest hand point to? The answer is 12 O’clock

(Just in the teleport spawning area, the longest finger of the clock is pointing to 12)

Last question, hehe. How many tubes are there on Clock Tower 1F? The answer is 56.

You just have to count the light bulb on Clock Tower 1F. It’s quite frustrating to count it seriously!

That’s it guys! Thanks to Rendy Putra Corie for sharing this on Ragnarok community group!

Article Categories:
Guide · How To


  • Rommy December 7, 2018 8:52 am

    Do u know where’s to collect Guardian Medal is??

  • Jhey Mikael Geraldez December 8, 2018 4:31 pm

    but i cannot find the boy. he’s not present in the area (4oclock of the map)

  • Arvi December 13, 2018 3:46 am

    hi sir. how can i unlock aldebaran main quest? it’s not showing on my quest list. ive already finished my GH quest. Thank you for the answer.

    • urmama December 28, 2018 7:32 pm

      89-90 level to unlock

  • ANGELOKI March 9, 2019 2:37 pm

    Thanks so much my friend, if not by that kind of help so much people would be stuck on these kinds of quests….


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