List of all Cooking Recipe in Ragnarok M Classic (ROMC)

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If you’re looking for all gourmet food recipes in Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love or Ragnarok M Classic (ROMC), we’ve compiled all of the available recipes that you can cook in the game, including the end-game menu’s that gives you higher effect for your character which is good for PVP arena, grinding and fighting MVP/Mini bosses.

Table of Contents

  1. Cook and Taste Mastery
  2. Stars in Food
  3. Frying Cookware
  4. Grilling Cookware
  5. Steaming Cookware
  6. Smoothie Cookware
  7. Dark Cuisine
  8. Food Ingredients

However, cooking higher star food requires a high-level cook book and luck. New Recipe in Grilling added from Episode 5.0 update.

Cook and Taste Mastery

Each recipes has an additional bonus stat for specific Cook and Taste Mastery, when the player reaches level 10 for the recipe’s mastery, it activates additional bonus.

By Cooking and Consuming foods, it will earn cook and taste mastery experience respectively.

Stars in Food

The higher the star in the food, the higher the stats and HP/SP discharge it gives to your character. These stars also represent how long the duration takes effect on your characters.

StarsDurationsHP/SP Discharge
96 minutes1500 HP Discharge, 150 SP Discharge
144 minutes2000 HP Discharge, 200 SP Discharge
★✩192 minutes3000 HP Discharge, 300 SP Discharge
★★192 minutes4000 HP Discharge, 400 SP Discharge
★★✩192 minutes5000 HP Discharge, 500 SP Discharge
★★★208 minutes6000 HP Discharge, 600 SP Discharge
★★★✩208 minutes7000 HP Discharge, 700 SP Discharge
★★★★208 minutes8000 HP Discharge, 800 SP Discharge
★★★★✩240 minutes9000 HP Discharge, 900 SP Discharge
★★★★★240 minutes10000 HP Discharge, 1000 SP Discharge

Frying Cookware (31 Recipes)

In the Fry Cookware, you can cook any fried, steak, salad and even kebabs dishes. You have up to 31 recipes to unlock in the Fry Cookware.

RecipesMaterialsNutrition Value

Rookie Meat Steak

Fat Index: ♥♥
1 x Any MeatMax HP +60
Max SP +6
Def +8

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +15
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +10

Rookie Fried Dish

Slim Index: ♥♥
1 x Any VegetablesMax HP +60
Max SP +6
Def +8

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +3
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +2

Rookie Fish Steak

Height Index: ♥♥
1 x Any FishMax HP +60
Max SP +6
Atk +8

Cook Mastery: Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +1

Rookie Jam

Short Index: ♥♥
1 x Any FruitMax HP +60
Max SP +6
M.Atk +8

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Traveler Bacon

Fat Index: ♥♥
 Lunatic Meat
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
Def +12

Cook Mastery: Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: Def +1

Seafood Bowl

Height Index: ♥♥
 Vadon Meat 
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
Atk + 12

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +15
Taste Mastery: Atk +1

Healthy Salad

Short Index: ♥♥
 West Gate Tomato 
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
M.Atk +12

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Delicious Steak

Fat Index: ♥♥

Mountain Celery
Desert Wolf Meat
EggShell Chick
Max HP + 120
Max SP + 12
Def +16
M.Def +16

Cook Mastery: Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +1

(Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 2 abnormal status attacks can be immunized.)

Seafood Rice

Height Index: ♥♥
 Marina Meat
 Inkfish Tentacle
Max HP + 120
Max SP + 12
Move Spd +1% 

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +15
Taste Mastery: Atk +1

Vegetable Meal

Short Index: ♥♥♥
 Mountain Celery
 Magic Spore
Max HP +120
Max SP +12
M.Atk +16
Cast Delay – 0.75%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk 1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Flame God History

Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Savage Meat
 Desert Wolf Meat
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
Def + 20

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +20

(Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 3 abnormal  status attacks can be immunized.)

East Seafood Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥♥
 Marc Meat
 Inkfish Tentacle
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
Atk +20
Move Spd +1.5%

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +30
Taste Mastery: Atk +2

Spicy Branch Vegetable

Short Index: ♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 South Gate Carrot
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
M.Atk +20
Cast Delay -1%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Atk +2

Yummy Steak

Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Lunatic Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
Def + 24

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +20

(Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 3 abnormal  status attacks can be immunized.)

Yummy Fish Steak

Height Index: ♥♥♥
 Marc Meat
 Marina Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP + 216
Max SP + 21
Atk + 24
Move Spd +1.75%

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +6
Taste Mastery: Atk +2

Yummy Salad

Short Index: ♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 West Gate Tomato
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
M.Atk +24
Cast Delay -1.25%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +4

Fantasy Steak

Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Eggshell Chick
 Rocker Leg Meat
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
Def +30

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +20

(Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 4 abnormal  status attacks can be immunized.)

Fantasy Seafood Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Marina Meat
 Vadon Meat
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
Atk +30
Move Spd +2%

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +30
Taste Mastery: Atk +2

Fantasy Salad

Short Index: ♥♥♥
 Mountain Celery
 South Gate Carrot
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
M.Atk +30
Cast Delay -1.5%

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +6
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Geffen Steak

Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Eggshell Chick
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
Def +32

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +20

(Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 4 abnormal  status attacks can be immunized.)


Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Marina Meat
 Hydra Meat
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
Atk +32
Move Spd +2.5%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Atk +2

Forest Treasure

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Mountain Celery
 South Gate Carrot
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
M.Atk + 32
Cast Delay -1.75%

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +6
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Desert Steak

Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Savage Meat
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
Def +36

Cook Mastery: Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +30

(Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 4 abnormal  status attacks can be immunized.)

Fishman’s Soul

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Marc Meat
 Marina Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +420
Max SP + 42
Atk +36
Move Spd +3%

Cook Mastery: Atk 4.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +3

Sweet Coriander

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Mountain Celery
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
M.Atk +36
Cast Delay -2%

Cook Mastery: MaxSp +9
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +3

Prontera Royal Steak

Height Index: ♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Savage Meat
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Lunatic Meat
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
Def +38

Cook Mastery: Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +30

(Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 4 abnormal  status attacks can be immunized.)

Prontera Royal Fish Steak

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥
 Marc Meat
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Hydra Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
Atk +38
Move Spd +3.25%

Cook Mastery: Atk 4.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +3

Prontera Royal Salad

Short Index: ♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Magic Spore
South Gate Carrot
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
M.Def +38
Cast Delay -2.25%

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +9
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

(Won’t die when receiving a death blow. 1 HP will be kept. Be invincible in the next 2 seconds. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and can be triggered up to twice.)

Original Will-Steak

Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Savage Meat
 Muka Meat
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Eggshell Chick
 Miso Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
Def +40

Cook Mastery: Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +30

(Immune to an abnormal status attack. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and up to 4 abnormal  status attacks can be immunized.)

Original Will-Fish Steak

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Marc Meat
 Mutated Fish
 Marina Meat
Inkfish Tentacle
 Miso Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
Atk +40
Move Spd +3.5%

Cook Mastery: Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +3

Original Will-Salad

Slim Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Gold Pumpkin
 Magic Spore
 Mountain Celery
 Miso Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
M.Def +40
Cast Delay -2.5%

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +9
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

Grilling Cookware (32 Recipes)

Any kinds of Kebabs and BBQ’s can be cook in the Grill Cookware. Key benefits of some recipes in Grill are the additional damage and defense against other players that can be used in PVP arena. You only have up to 31 recipes to unlock on this cookware. 

RecipesMaterialsNutrition Value

Rookie Meat Kebab

Fat Index: ♥♥

1 x Any Meat
Max HP +60
Max SP +6
Def +8

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +15
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +10

Rookie Vegetable Kebab

Slim Index: ♥♥
1 x Any VegetablesMax HP +60
Max SP +6
M.Def +8

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +3
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +2

Rookie Seafood Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥
1 x Any FishMax HP +60
Max SP +6
Atk +8

Cook Mastery: Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +1

Rookie Fruit Slices

Short Index: ♥♥
1 x Any FruitMax HP +60
Max SP +6
M.Atk +8

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Dark Cuisine (?????)

Cook any hard to Cook food like 5-Star RecipesNone

(Note: This will still mark ???? on your recipe list)

Popular Kebab

Fat Index: ♥♥
 Rocker Leg Meat
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
Def +12

Cook Mastery: Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +10

Island Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥
 Hydra Meat
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
Atk +12

Cook Mastery: Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +1


Slim Index: ♥♥
 South Gate Carrot
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
M.Def +12

Cook Mastery: M.Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +2

Starving Kebabs
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Rocker Leg Meat
 Magic Spore
Max HP +200
Max SP +12
Def +16
M.Def +16

Cook Mastery: Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +1

Izlude Pride

Height Index: ♥♥♥
 Marina Meat
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Vadon Meat
Max HP +120
Max SP +12
Atk +16
Def +16
Physical Defense +16
Dmg Increase to Players +0.75%

Cook Mastery: Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Def +1

Farmer’s Smile

Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 Magic Spore
 Poring Apple
Max HP +120
Max SP +12
M.Def +16

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +1

Gold Kebab

Fat Index: ♥♥
 Muka Meat
 Eggshell Chick
Max HP +300
Max SP +18
Def +20
M.Def +20

Cook Mastery: M.Def +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Superb Seafood Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Mutated Fish
 Marina Meat
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
Atk +20
Physical Defense +20
Dmg Increase to Players +1%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Flame Vegetable Kebab

Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 Gold Pumpkin
 Magic Spore
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
M.Def +20

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +6
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Yummy Kebab

Fat Index: ♥♥
 Muka Meat
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +360
Max SP +21
Def +24
M.Def +24

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Yummy Seafood Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Mutated Fish
 Vadon Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
Atk + 24
Def +24
Dmg to player +1.25%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Yummy Vegetables

Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 Gold Pumpkin
 South Gate Carrot
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP + 216
Max SP +21
M.Atk +24
M.Def +24

Cook Mastery: M.Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Magic Meat Kebab

Short Index: ♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Lunatic Meat
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Poring Apple
Max HP +500
Max SP +30
M.Atk +30
Def +30

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Magic Seafood Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Hydra Meat
 West Gate Tomato
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
Atk +30
M.Def +30
Dmg to Player +1.5%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Magic Green BBQ

Slim Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Magic Spore
 West Gate Tomato
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
M.Atk +30
M.Def +30

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

(Won’t die when receiving a death blow. 1 HP will be kept. Be invincible in the next 2 seconds. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and can be triggered up to once.)

Gold Cross Kebab

Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Eggshell Chick
 Rocker Leg Meat
Max HP +600
Max SP +36
Def +32

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +30
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Call From Ocean

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Vadon Meat
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
Atk +32
Def +32
Dmg to Player +1.75%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

(Won’t die when receiving a death blow. 1 HP will be kept. Be invincible in the next 2 seconds. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and can be triggered up to once.)

Payon’s Vegetable Kebab

Slim Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Magic Spore
 West Gate Tomato
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
M.Atk +32
M.Def +32

Cook Mastery: M.Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Giant Pagoda

Short Index: ♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Muka Meat
 Eggshell Chick
Max HP +700
Max SP +42
Def +36

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +45
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Trubius Seafood Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Mutated Fish
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
Atk +36
Def +36
Dmg to Player +2%

Cook Mastery: Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Sky Blade

Slim Index: ♥♥
 Gold Pumpkin
 Magic Spore
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
M.Atk +36
M.Def +36

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +3

(Won’t die when receiving a death blow. 1 HP will be kept. Be invincible in the next 2 seconds. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and can be triggered up to once.)

Prontera Royal Kebab

Short Index: ♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Muka Meat
 Eggshell Chick
 Rocker Leg Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +830
Max SP +50
Def +38

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +45
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Prontera Royal Fish Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Mutated Fish
 Marina Meat
 Vadon Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
Atk +38
Physical Defense +38
Dmg Increase to players +2.25%

Cook Mastery: Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Prontera Royal Green BBQ

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Gold Pumpkin
 Mountain Celery
 West Gate Tomato
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
M.Def +38
Cast Delay -2.25%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

Original Will-Kebab

Fat Index: ♥♥
Height Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Savage Meat
 Muka Meat
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Eggshell Chick
 Miso Powder
Max HP +1000
Max SP +60
Def +40

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +45
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Original Will-Fish Kebab

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Marc Meat
 Mutated Fish
 Marina Meat
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Miso Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
Atk +40
Def +40
Dmg to player +2.5%

Cook Mastery: Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Original Will-Green BBQ

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Gold Pumpkin
 Magic Spore
 Mountain Celery
 Miso Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
M.Atk +40
M.Def +40

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

(Won’t die when receiving a death blow. 1 HP will be kept. Be invincible in the next 2 seconds. The effect CD is 15 seconds, and can be triggered up to twice.)

Satisfied Feast

Fat Index: ♥♥
Muka Meat
Bigfoot Pineapple
Gold Pumpkin
Rainbow Powder
Mutated Fish
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
Atk +40
M.Def +40
Pen. +2.5%
M.Pen. +2.5%

Cook Mastery: Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +30

(If Cooking Proficiency reached Lv.10, ATK + 4.5

If Gourmet Proficiency reached Lv.10, MaxHP +30)

Steaming Cookware (31 Recipes)

In the Steam Cookware or what they call Pressure Cooker, you can cook any soup, broth or tea. The key benefit of some these dishes on the Steam Cookware are the additional ASPD effect for your characters. There are only up to 31 recipes unlockable in this cookware.

RecipesMaterialsNutrition Value

Rookie Broth

Fat Index: ♥♥
1 x Any MeatMax HP +60
Max SP +6
Def +8

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +15
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +10

Rookie Vegetable Soup

Slim Index: ♥♥
1 x Any VegetablesMax HP +60
Max SP +6
M.Def +8

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +3
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +2

Rookie Fish Soup

Height Index: ♥♥
1 x Any FishMax HP +60
Max SP +6
Atk +8

Cook Mastery: Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +1

Rookie Black Tea

Short Index: ♥♥
1 x Any FruitMax HP +60
Max SP +6
M.Atk +8

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Fragrant Broth

Fat Index: ♥♥
 Lunatic Meat
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
Def +21

Cook Mastery: Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: Def +1

Fish Head Soup

Height Index: ♥♥
 Hydra Meat
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
Atk +12

Cook Mastery: Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +1

Mum’s Soup

Short Index: ♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
South Gate Carrot
 West Gate Tomato
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
M.Atk +12
M.Def +12

Cook Mastery: M.Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Music Box Broth

Fat Index: ♥♥
 Eggshell Chick
 Rocker Leg Meat
Max HP +12
Max SP +12
Def +16
Equipment ASPD +1%

Cook Mastery: Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +10

Warm Current

Height Index: ♥♥♥
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Hydra Meat
Max HP +120
Max SP +12
Atk +16
M.Def +16
Defense Ignoring +0.75%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +1

Delicious Vegetable Soup

Short Index: ♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Mountain Celery
 Magic Spore
 Goblin Strawberry
Max HP +120
Max SP +12
M.Atk +16
M.Def +16

Cook Mastery: M.Def +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1


Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Savage Meat
 Muka Meat
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
Def +20
Equipment ASPD +1.5%

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +4

Singing Soul

Height Index: ♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Mutated Fish
 Marc Meat
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
Atk +20
M.Def +20
Ignore Def +1%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +3
Taste Mastery: Atk +2

Warm Oasis

Short Index: ♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Gold Pumpkin
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
M.Atk +20
M.Def +20

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Yummy Broth

Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Rocker Leg Meat
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
Def +24
Equipment ASPD +1.75%

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +30
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Yummy Seafood Soup

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Marc Meat
 Mutated Fish
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
Atk +24
M.Def +24
Ignore Def +1.25%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +3
Taste Mastery: Atk +2

Yummy Vegetable Soup

Short Index: ♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Gold Pumpkin
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
M.Atk +24
M.Def +24

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Fantasy Broth

Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Rocker Leg Meat
 Eggshell Chick
South Gate Carrot
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
Def +30
M.Def +30
Equipment ASPD +2%

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Fantasy Fish Soup

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Marina Meat
 Hydra Meat
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
Atk +30
Def +30
Ignore Def +1.5%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Fantasy Vegetable Soup

Short Index: ♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 West Gate Tomato
South Gate Carrot
 Mountain Celery
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
M.Atk +30
M.Def +30

Cook Mastery: M.Def +3
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +4

Mother’s Hug

Fat Index: ♥♥
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Lunatic Meat
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
Def +32
M.Def +32
Equipment ASPD +2.5%

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Al De Baran Fish Soup

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Marina Meat
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
Atk +32
M.Def +32
Ignore Def +1.75%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Princess’ Black Tea

Short Index: ♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 Magic Spore
 Mountain Celery
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
M.Atk +32
M.Def +32

Cook Mastery: M.Def +3
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +4

Brandy March

Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Muka Meat
 Savage Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
Def +36
M.Def +36
Equipment ASPD +3%

Cook Mastery: Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

Song for You

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Mutated Fish
 Marc Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
Atk +36
M.Def +36
Ignore Def +2%

Cook Mastery: Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

Sage in Dark

Short Index: ♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 Gold Pumpkin
 Bamboo Eggplant
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
M.Atk +36
M.Def +36

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +6

Prontera Royal Broth

Height Index: ♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Savage Meat
 Muka Meat
 Lunatic Meat
 Apple Vinegar
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
Def +38
M.Def +38
Equipment ASPD +3.25%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

Prontera Royal Seafood Soup

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥♥
 Marc Meat
 Mutated Fish
 Hydra Meat
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
Atk +38
M.Def +38
Defense Ignoring +2.25%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +3

Prontera Royale Vegetable Soup

Shortt Index: ♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Gold Pumpkin
South Gate Carrot
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
M.Atk +38
M.Def +38

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +6

Original Will-Broth

Height Index: ♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Savage Meat
 Muka Meat
 Desert Wolf Meat
 Eggshell Chick
 Rainbow Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
Def +40
M.Def +40
Equipment ASPD +3.5%

Cook Mastery: Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

Original Will-Seafood Soup

Height Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥
 Marc Meat
 Mutated Fish
 Marina Meat
 Inkfish Tentacle
 Rainbow Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
Atk +40
M.Def +40
Ignore Def +2.5%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +3

Original Will-Vegetable Soup

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
 Bamboo Eggplant
 Gold Pumpkin
 Magic Spore
 Mountain Celery
 Miso Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
M.Atk +40
M.Def +40

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +6

Smoothie Cookware (31 Recipes)

Our last cookware, the Smoothie. You can make any kinds of deserts, sashimi, and beverages. Key benefits of some of the recipes on the Smoothie is the additional damage to the Boss and non-boss monsters. There’s only 31 recipes to unlock.

RecipesMaterialsNutrition Value
Divine Tree’s Juice

Short Index: ♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
1 x Precious Four-leaf Clover
1 x West Gate Tomato
1 x South Gate Carrot
Max HP + 500
Max SP + 50
Atk + 40
M.Atk + 40
Pen. +2.5%
MPen. +2.5

Rookie Sashimi

Fat Index: ♥♥
1 x Any MeatMax HP +60
Max SP +6
Def +8

Cook Mastery: MaxHP +15
Taste Mastery: MaxHP +10

Rookie Salad

Slim Index: ♥♥
1 x Any VegetablesMax HP +60
Max SP +6
M.Def +8

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +3
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +2

Rookie Sushi

Height Index: ♥♥
1 x Any FishMax HP +60
Max SP +6
Atk +8

Cook Mastery: Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +1

Rookie Fruit Plate

Short Index: ♥♥
1 x Any FruitMax HP +60
Max SP +6
M.Atk +8

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Ray Dessert
South Gate Carrot
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
M.Def +12

Cook Mastery: MaxSP +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +1

Ice Cream

Short Index: ♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Poring Apple
 Smokie Grape
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
M.Atk +12
Def +12

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Def +1

Smokie Cookie

Short Index: ♥♥
 Smokie Grape
Max HP +90
Max SP +9
M.Atk +12

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Seaside Black Tea

Short Index: ♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Yoyo Banana
Max HP +120
Max SP +12
M.ATk +16
Def +16
Pen. +0.75%
MPen. +0.75%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: Def +1

Cheese Cake

Short Index: ♥♥
 Goblin Strawberry
Max HP +120
Max SP +12
M.Atk +16
Dmg Increase to non-boss units +0.75%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: MaxSP +2

Poring Parfait

Short Index: ♥
Slim Index: ♥
 Smokie Grape
 Poring Apple
 Goblin Strawberry
Max HP +120
Max SP +12
Atk +16
M.Atk +16
Dmg Increase to Bosses +0.75%

Cook Mastery: Atk +1.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +1

Duke Juice

Short Index: ♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Moai Melon
 Goblin Strawberry
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
M.Atk +20
Def +20
Pen. +1%
MPen. +1%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Vantican Bread
 Savage Meat
 Gold Pumpkin
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
Def +20
M.Def +20
Dmg to non-BOSS monster +1%

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Ancient Ice Honey
 Moai Melon
 Bigfoot Pineapple
Max HP +180
Max SP +18
Atk +20
M.ATk +20
Dmg to BOSS monster +1%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Yummy Cake

Short Index: ♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Bigfoot Pineapple
 Smokie Grape
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
M.Atk +24
Def +24
Pen. +1.25%
MPen. +1.25%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Yummy Tea
 Moai Melon
 Bigfoot Pineapple
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
Def +24
M.Def +24
Dmg to non-BOSS monster +1.25%

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Yummy Cookie
 Moai Melon
 Poring Apple
Max HP +216
Max SP +21
Atk +24
M.Atk +24
Dmg to BOSS monster +1.25%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Magic Bread

Short Index: ♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Lunatic Meat
 Goblin Strawberry
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
M.Atk +30
Def +30
Pen. +1.5%
MPen. +1.5%

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Magic Ice Cream

Slim Index: ♥♥
 Poring Apple
 Goblin Strawberry
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
Def +30
M.Def +30
Dmg to non-BOSS monster +1.5%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Magic Cookie

Short Index: ♥♥
 Yoyo Banana
 Smokie Grape
Max HP +300
Max SP +30
Atk +30
M.Atk +30
Dmg to BOSS monster +1.5%

Cook Mastery: Atk +3
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Noble Black Tea

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Goblin Strawberry
 Poring Apple
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
M.Atk +32
Def +32
Pen. +1.75%
MPen. +1.75%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Def +2

Merchant City’s Cake

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Yoyo Banana
 Smokie Grape
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
Def +32
M.Def +32
Dmg to non-BOSS monster +1.75%

Cook Mastery: Def +3
Taste Mastery: M.Def +2

Bigfoot Forest Cookie

Short Index: ♥♥
 Goblin Strawberry
 Yoyo Banana
Max HP +360
Max SP +36
Atk +32
M.Atk +32
Dmg to BOSS monster +1.75%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +3
Taste Mastery: Atk +2

Summer Star

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥
 Moai Melon
 Goblin Strawberry
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
M.Atk +36
Def +36
Pen. +2%
MPen. +2%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Princess’ Afternoon Tea

Short Index: ♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Moai Melon
 Bigfoot Pineapple
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
Def +36
M.Def +36
Dmg to non-BOSS monster +2%

Cook Mastery: Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Def +3

Gatler’s Palace

Short Index: ♥♥
 Bigfoot Pineapple
 Yoyo Banana
Max HP +420
Max SP +42
Atk +36
M.Atk +36
Dmg to BOSS monster +2%

Cook Mastery: M.Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: Atk +3

Prontera Royal Juice

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Moai Melon
 Yoyo Banana
 Smokie Grape
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
M.Atk +38
Def +38
Pen. +2.25%
MPen +2.25%

Cook Mastery: Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +3

Prontera Royal Cookie

Short Index: ♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Moai Melon
 Bigfoot Pineapple
 Poring Apple
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
Def +38
M.Def +38
Dmg against non-boss +2.25%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Prontera Royal Ice Cream

Height Index: ♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Bigfoot Pineapple
 Goblin Strawberry
 Poring Apple
Max HP +500
Max SP +50
Atk +38
M.Atk +38
Dmg against bosses +2.25%

Cook Mastery: Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +2

Original Will-Juice

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥♥
Fat Index: ♥♥♥
 Moai Melon
 Bigfoot Pineapple
 Goblin Strawberry
 Yoyo Banana
 Rainbow Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
M.Atk +40
Def +40
Pen. +2.5%
MPen. +2.5%

Cook Mastery: Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +3

Original Will-Cookies

Short Index: ♥♥♥♥
Slim Index: ♥♥
 Moai Melon
 Bigfoot Pineapple
 Goblin Strawberry
 Yoyo Banana
 Miso Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
Def +40
M.Def +40
Dmg to non-BOSS monster +2.5%

Cook Mastery: M.Def +4.5
Taste Mastery: Def +3

Original Will-Ice Cream
 Moai Melon
 Bigfoot Pineapple
 Goblin Strawberry
 Miso Powder
 Rainbow Powder
Max HP +600
Max SP +60
Atk +40
M. Atk +40
Dmg to MVP and Mini monster +2.5%

Cook Mastery: Atk +4.5
Taste Mastery: M.Atk +3

Dark Cuisine

To cook a dark cuisine, cook any high star food that would give you low success of chance, the result of cooking unsuccessfully food will become Dark Cuisine. Regarding the Dark Cuisine still locked in the Adventure Book, As the moment – its still bug in the game.

Food Ingredients

You can buy all of the food ingredients listed above inside the Royal Cuisine Association in Prontera. But, if you’d like to loot these ingredients from the monsters using the Chef’s Eagle Eye, here are the list.

IngredientsWhere to Loot (Monster)Where to Buy (NPC)
Poring ApplePoring (Lv.1) North Gate, South Gate
Pierce (Lv.42)Ant Hell
Primary Ingredients
Smokie GrapeChon Chon (Lv.13)West Gate, Labyrinth Forest
Horong (Lv.62)Payon Forest, Payon Cave 2F
Primary Ingredients
Lunatic MeatLunatic (Lv.2)South Gate, Labyrinth Forest
Magnolia (Lv.51) Morroc, Desert
Primary Ingredients
Rocker Leg MeatMunak (Lv.63) Payon Cave 1F
Rocker (Lv.19)West Gate, Labyrinth Forest
Primary Ingredients
Vadon MeatVadon (Lv.29) Underwater Cave
Munak (Lv.63)Payon Cave 1F
Primary Ingredients
Hydra MeatBongun (Lv.65) Payon Cave 1F, Payon Cave 2F
Hydra (Lv.23) Sunken Ship, Ghost Ship, Payon Cave 1F
Primary Ingredients
West Gate TomatoMandragora (Lv.22)Mjolnir, Labyrinth Forest
Sohee (Lv.67)Payon Cave 2F, Payon Cave 3F
Primary Ingredients
South Gate CarrotWillow (Lv.21)West Gate, Labyrinth ForestPrimary Ingredients
Yoyo BananaYoyo (Lv.15)West Gate, Labyrinth Forest
Hunter Fly (Lv.81) Orc Dungeon
Rare Ingredients
Goblin StrawberryKobold (Hammer) (Lv.74)Kordt Forest, Kordt Forest WestRare Ingredients
Moai MelonGolem (Lv.55)Morroc
Raydric (Lv.92)Glast Heim Chivalry
Rare Ingredients
Bigfoot PineappleBigfoot (Lv.58)Payon Forest, Payon Forest South
Succubus (Lv.80)Glast Heim
Rare Ingredients
Desert Wolf MeatDesert Wolf (Lv.53) Morroc
Nine Tail (Lv.72)Payon Cave 2F, 3F
Rare Ingredients
Eggshell ChickPeco Peco (Lv.50)Morroc, Desert
Orc Warrior (Lv.70)Orc Village
Rare Ingredients
Savage MeatSavage (Lv.59) Payon Forest
Kobold Archer (Lv.75)Kordt Forest, Kordt Forest West
Rare Ingredients
Muka MeatMuka (Lv.49) Morroc, Desert
Green Petite (Lv.79)Glass Heim Outskirt
Gargoyle (Lv.86) Glast Heim Churchyard, Glast Heim Churchyard 2
Rare Ingredients
Marina MeatMarina (Lv.32) Underwater Temple, Underwater Cave
Orc Archer (Lv.71)Orc Village South, Orc Village
Rare Ingredients
Marc MeatMarc (Lv.36)Underwater Temple
Nightmare (Lv.74) Underground Geffen, Underground Geffen 2F
Rare Ingredients
Inkfish TentacleRoda Frog (Lv.25) Sunken Ship
Thara Frog (Lv.31) Underwater Cave
Deviruchi (Lv.80)Underground Geffen, Underground Geffen 2F
Rare Ingredients
Mutated FishPhen (Lv.34) Underwater Temple
Marionette Doll (Lv.77)Underground Geffen, Underground Geffen 2F
Rare Ingredients
Mountain CeleryFlora (Lv.41) Mjolnir
Orc  Zombie (Lv.75) Orc Dungeon
Rare Ingredients
Magic SporeMenblatt (Lv.45)Mjolnir
Ferus (Lv.82) Glast Heim Outskirt
Rare Ingredients
Bamboo EggPlantGreatest General (Lv.60) Payon Forest, Payon Forest South
Incubus (Lv.81) Glast Heim
Rare Ingredients
Gold PumpkinElder Willow (Lv.56) Payon Forest South, South of PayonRare Ingredients
SaltThief Bug (Lv.13) Sewer 1F, 2F
Eggyra (Lv.61)Payon Cave 1F
Material Shop
FlourTarou (Lv.11) Sewer 1F
Dobeki (Lv.69) Payon Cave 2F, 3F
Material Shop
SugarWolf (Lv.24) Labyrinth Forest
High Orc (Lv.73) Orc Village, Orc Village South
Material Shop
MilkObeaune (Lv.33) Underwater Temple
Deviruchi (Lv.80) Underground Geffen, 2F
Material Shop
ChiliOrc Skeleton (Lv.78) Orc DungeonMaterial Shop
VanillaDrainliar (Lv.46) Ant Hell
Wild Rose (Lv.72)Kordt Forest, Kordt Forest West
Material Shop
Apple VinegarMagnolia (Lv.51) Morroc, Desert
Kobold (Buckler) (Lv.73) Kordt Forest, Kordt Forest West
Material Shop
CreamHornet (Lv.38) Mjolnir, Labyrinth Forest
Injustice (Lv.85) Glast Heim Culvert
Material Shop
SauceMummy (Lv.55)Pyramid 1F
Wrait (Lv.83)Glast Heim Churchyard, Glast Heim Churchyard 2
Sting (Lv.87)Glast Heim Culvert
Material Shop
CheeseMatyr (Lv.54) Pyramid 1F, Ant Hell
Evil Druid (Lv.88) Glast Heim Churchyard, Glast Heim Churchyard 2
Material Shop
Miso PowderMarduk (Lv.68)Pyramid 3F, Pyramid 2F
Wind Ghost (Lv.95)Glast Heim Chivalry
Material Shop
Rainbow PowderSuccubus (Lv.80)Glast Heim
Isis (Lv.57)Pyramid 1F
Material Shop
Article Categories:
Guide · How To


  • Kristine Santiagz November 19, 2018 1:04 pm

    Fishman’s Soul – should be sauce instead of cheese

  • Widana Widiatmaka November 19, 2018 6:58 pm

    Hey dude, thx for the guide, much more updated than Rierin, but I found one recipe on the game in ID server,

    it’s between Rookie Fruit Slices and Popular Kebab,

    All sources I found hinted nothing about such recipe

  • angelico ken November 20, 2018 1:49 pm

    hi if i may ask where to get Vocal leg?

    • Erwin Bantilan November 20, 2018 3:07 pm

      You can buy it at the shop, or from rockers.

      • Jayson E. Maguit December 12, 2018 8:46 pm

        what is the vocal legg i cant see on shop can u send me a picture? #tia

  • mon gawaran November 21, 2018 3:58 am

    how to get dark cuisine?
    i know i get it in failed cooking bt it won’t unlock.

    • Erwin Bantilan November 21, 2018 4:52 am

      Hi, currently the Dark Cuisine is buggy in Adventure Handbook. It won’t unlocked even after cooking it.

      • Ragnaholic December 20, 2018 10:32 am

        In order to unlock the “Dark Cuisine” you need to cook at least 80 of it.

        • Erwin Bantilan December 20, 2018 12:44 pm

          That won’t work.. already cook 156 Dark Cuisine..

  • Kiyuu November 22, 2018 5:14 am

    How about magic spore , what monster ?

    • ebi_furai November 25, 2018 11:05 am

      get it from menblatt at mt. mjolnir or buy at the shop

  • Joem B November 22, 2018 7:55 am

    Hi, how can i send a screenshot? The recipe is between Rookie Fruit Slices and Popular Kebab. Thanks!!!

  • Cypher618 November 22, 2018 2:50 pm

    Saan mahahanap yung Goblin Strawberry?

    • qwe November 30, 2018 6:19 pm


  • Martin November 24, 2018 3:52 pm

    super thank you! keep it up admin!!!

  • Jeferson Tabing December 1, 2018 9:17 am

    thnx a lot for this guide

  • Sherry Lee December 2, 2018 3:24 am

    Thank you so much for your guides! The effort! I am tired of googling everytime I need an item so I will print the guides you did..just like what I usually do 16 years ago in P.R.O. haha! Thanks!!!

    • Erwin Bantilan December 2, 2018 3:25 am

      You’re welcome @sherry, feel free to print it and enjoy your adventure in RO!

  • Sherry Lee December 2, 2018 3:26 am

    Than you so much for your effort! I am tired of googling everytime I need an item. I will print all the crafting guides you made for my reference…just like what I used to do when I played P.R.O. and private servers years ago!

  • Chris December 3, 2018 5:44 am

    same kay Joem B, there’s some kind of secret recipe between Rookie Fruit Slices and Popular Kebab under the grill section, how do we send a screenshot?

  • marvel reme December 6, 2018 1:39 am

    Hello! Thank you for the detailed and improved guide. Im stuck with a new prob, how do i level up my cooking skills? I’ve completed all the recipes in my cookbook but im only lvl8 in cooking. Hope you can help me. Thank you!

    • Erwin Bantilan December 6, 2018 11:01 am

      Hi, will do a separate blog for that.. The technique is just cook many cheap foods, like 100 per cook, ingredients is only 100 zeny.. your cooking level will easily get up..

  • Jeffrey December 18, 2018 1:41 am

    This is a big help! Thanks! Everytime I eat food, it does not “take effect”, since there is no buff below the avatar. I had to tap the food on the floor and eat it again before I get the buff. Is this a bug or that’s how should it be (eating that is). Thanks!

    • Erwin Bantilan December 18, 2018 4:49 am

      thank you! press the eat self.. and you need to wait until the loading bar completes.

  • Bano December 18, 2018 7:59 am

    can we get ingredients even if the monsters level is far
    too gap?

  • Lyndon December 19, 2018 8:59 am

    i believe there’s a limit in buying rare ingredients. max of 6 then you may have to loot them afterwards.

  • okitasouji December 22, 2018 11:59 pm

    i still have a locked recipe between rookie fruit slice and popular kebab, what is that recipe?

    • Erwin Bantilan December 23, 2018 12:03 am

      press Ctrl + F to search the page.. in phone, look for “search” icon or menu.

  • Vam December 23, 2018 11:23 am

    thanks for this guide bro it helps a lot esp starters like me.

  • midoban December 26, 2018 8:23 am

    Hi sir. Thanks so much for the guide. Also, can you include the bonus stats when completing the [Unlock Mastery] of the food? TIA

  • radz January 9, 2019 1:20 am

    how to make 6 stocks at food?

    • Christian T. Mengote January 12, 2019 5:37 am

      Cook 100 lunatic meat. Then eat them at the same time.

  • Christian T. Mengote January 12, 2019 5:36 am

    Thanks Bro. It helps a lot. 🙂 God bless!

  • Renato Gonzaga January 22, 2019 7:54 am

    There’s a 1 star missing in the Grilling Cookware list. In the game we have 8 slots in the book

    • Erwin Bantilan January 22, 2019 1:00 pm

      Hi, that’s dark cuisine which is currently buggy..

  • Lunatic January 23, 2019 5:30 am

    Hi, can anyone explain what is the difference between ‘Dmg to BOSS monster’ and ‘Dmg against bosses’ effect? Thanks.

  • Diogo V. Kersting March 15, 2019 7:17 pm

    Correction: Seafood rice is actually ★✩

  • tramyer June 22, 2019 12:30 am

    Would be great if you could add also their reward when unlocking them


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