How to Increase HP and SP Discharge in Ragnarok M Eternal Love

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If you notice the HP Discharge and SP Discharge from your character’s build stats, the one with check/uncheck buttons that says Transform Discharge to HP/SP when below 30 percent. This thing is actually used to allocate the Discharge points to your character’s HP/SP bar, when your character’s HP or SP is below 30%, it will automatically heal or fill in your SP. Helping your character to not easily get killed in the battle, this is very handy for grinding high level monster and PVP.

You can increase the HP and SP Discharge by eating foods from your Food Box, each food has a different amount of HP and SP Discharge depending on its Stars level. It is also stackable, meaning you can eat hundreds of these foods to stack them and reserve the HP and SP Discharge for battles. 

Let’s say your character eat 200 pcs of Rookie Jam food that has 1500 HP discharge and 150 SP discharge each.

If we multiply it by 200, it will give us 300,000 HP discharge and 30,000 SP discharge. Eating more food will ultimately increase your discharge points.

For a tip, before using your final Food for grinding or PVP. Make a habit to increase your HP and SP Discharge first with some cheap foods, by doing this it won’t replace your final food buffs. When you’re satisfied with the amount of HP and SP Discharge, this is the time you can use your final food buffs for battle.

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