What is Dad’s Phone Unlock Pin Code in The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit

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In the first episode of The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, early of the game after Chris eat his breakfast he found his dad’s phone in the table next to the laptop computer and he wanted to play the game Hawt Dawg Man Mustard Party 2 to beat the Highscore. It is also one of the My Awesome Things To Do objective in the game that says “I could play mustard party 2, but I need to unlock Dad’s Phone”.

The problem is, the phone is locked by a Pin code in which you can only get by unlocking other choices in the game.

What is Dad’s Phone Unlock Pin Code?

The pin code is 42983294. It is not simple 4 digit code but an 8 digit, so it is very tricky finding this code in the house. But you can actually get the code by thinking out of the box, the translation of the code is actually based from the word HAWTDAWG in which when you enter each letter of the word HAWTDAWG in a classic cellphone keypad it translate to the pin code answer.

Well, that just mean that Dad’s Chris is also fun playing that game.

Currently, the game has a high score of 256. It is a platformer type of game where you need to hold the left click button to move up and down and you need to avoid crashing or landing to survive and earn points, you could also earn 10 points by getting the Mustard power up.

Once you’re done beating the high-score, your My Awesome Things To do objective will be updated and the Hawt Dawg Man Mustard Party 2 will be check and colored.

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