Good news to everyone! Your favorite Deep silver games are now back including its number one franchise Saints Row. Mighty no. 9 is also included on this bundle, plus well known title like Risen 3 Titan Lords Complete Edition and Homefront The Revolution Standard Edition. You also have a chance to pre-order it’s latest game Agents Mayhem.

You can get all of the 12 games for only $15, and you decide to get the pre-order you’ll get $75. So, here are the tiers for the bundle.
As low as $1, you will get 4 games these are Risen 3 – Titan Lords Complete Edition, Deadlight – Director’s Cut, Homefront and Saints Row 2
The next tier for average is you get 4 additional games. Right now the price is $4.02 these are the games you can get the Saints Row the Third, Saints Row Gat Out of Hell, Mighty No. 9, Killer is Dead and one upcoming games.
Next tier is for $15, you’ll get 4 additional games which includes Homefront The Revolution, Saints Row IV Game of the Century Edition, Saints Row The Third The Full Package and Saints Row Get Out of Hell Devil’s Workshop Pack.
Lastly, on $75 you’ll get the Pre-Order of Agents of Mayhem and what’s great is you’ll get the key immediately.
If you want to grab this bundle, just go to Humble Bundle at