“Epic 10th Anniversary Collaboration” Com2uS’ Summoners War Holds Jujutsu Kaisen Collaboration Update
Written by Christine ClomaCom2uS (CEO Jae-kwan Nam) announced that Summoners ..
Com2uS (CEO Jae-kwan Nam) announced that Summoners ..
Trade Tales, a modern-life farming game infused with ..
Avid Games’s Cards, the Universe and Everything is one of our favorite ..
Com2uS (CEO Jae-kwan Nam) has released a collaboration ..
Uratex, known for its affordable and durable furniture, ..
Bandai Namco, in collaboration with Tamsoft Corporation, ..
Com2uS (CEO Jae-gwan Nam) released a promotional video ..
A new game based on the renowned IP MU, licensed by Webzen, ..
IKEA is taking a unique step into the gaming world ..