Cards, the Universe and Everything Follow-Up Eerie Worlds Gets a Philippines Soft-Launch

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Avid Games’s Cards, the Universe and Everything is one of our favorite trading card games of the past few years, so we’re stoked to be writing about its follow-up. 

Eerie Worlds is shaping up to be another amusing, informative TCG with an encyclopedic bent, but this time the studio is zooming in on one particular area of human experience: the occult. 

The subject this time around is ghosts, monsters, ghouls, and generally the sort of supernatural entities that make being outside at night so unpleasant. 

Each of these creatures and apparitions has been exhaustively researched, as you’d expect from a studio like Avid Games, and between them they cover the gamut of global cultures and mythologies. 

You’ll encounter banshees, the death-foretelling fairies of Irish folklore; kamaitachi

 (literally “sickle weasels”) from Japan; and even Mothman, the bizarre ‘60s apparition from West Virginian legend. 

Storywise, Eerie Worlds, sets the scene with a tale about parallel worlds and interdimensional rifts, which are the portals through which all these creatures of folklore manage to encroach into our reality. 

Guided by an ancient grimoire, your task is to seize control of these rifts and create your own personal army of mythical beings. 

As soon as the game launches, you’ll have well over a hundred different cards at your disposal, including six Common, four Rare, three Epic (with four tiered upgrades), two Fabled (with five tiered upgrades), and one World card. 

With upgrades, that’s around 248 cards in total, with four more sets due to be added to the game over two months. 

In terms of gameplay, Avid Games is going for compact decks and fast-paced rounds. Fast-paced, that is, but deep at the same time. 

Certain cards alter the rules of the game, while others impart power boosts, or even cosmetic enhancements. Cards themselves adapt to your strategy, while matching up the different Hordes in your hand can unlock synergy effects.

We’re looking forward to giving Eerie Worlds a play, but we’ll have to wait a while longer. You can watch the YouTube trailer below.

The game is getting a soft-launch in the Philippines soon, with a global release planned for mid-September. You can find it on Google Play here.

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