In Ragnarok Origin, players often encounter a Daily Commissions quest called “Tricks of Trade.” This quest can be confusing for some adventurers, primarily because the game’s auto feature doesn’t apply here, requiring players to complete it manually. In “Tricks of Trade,” you take on the role of a trader traveling between cities, buying low and selling high.

This article will guide you through the process, clearing up any confusion and helping you complete the quest with ease.
Step 1: Start at the First City
Head to the Prontera merchant or Izlude Merchant. Here, you will need to purchase either the 2nd or 3rd item at full quantity. You cannot buy the 1st item due to the limited capacity of your Cargo Bag when you buy it at full quantity and minimal profit if you bring few of these.

For example, let’s say the 2nd item is a Deviruchi Fork with a buying price of 13,000. If you try to sell it back to the Izlude merchant, you will only receive 10,140 which is not profitable. So, you must not sell this item where you buy it, sell it to other cities.
Step 2: Travel to Other Cities for Profitable Trades
To sell your items at a higher price, you must venture to other cities. This mirrors real-world trading, where items sourced from far away tend to be more expensive in distant cities. Here are the order of cities that you must sold the items at optimal routes:
- Izlude Merchant -> Prontera Merchant or Poring Island Merchant
- Prontera Merchant -> Izlude Merchant
- Poring Island Merchant -> Izlude Merchant or Bridge of Desert Merchant
- Bridge of Desert Merchant -> Poring Island Merchant or Sograt Merchant
- Sograt Merchant -> Bridge of the Desert Merchant

In our example, you would travel to Izlude Merchant to sell the “Deviruchi Fork” for a profit at 16,250.

Step 3: Rinse and Repeat
Once you’ve sold your items, repeat the process: purchase the 2nd or 3rd item at full quantity from a merchant.

Travel to the next city to sell it for a profit. You can follow the optimal routes listed on Step 2.

Continue this cycle until you’ve accumulated 200,000 Poring Coins.
Complete the Quest
When you’ve reached the goal of 200,000 Poring Coins, click “submit” to send off the cargo and complete the “Tricks of Trade” quest.