If you’re a Mechanic who’s recently reached the 4th job, you might be eager to mount the Robot named “Magic Gear” in Ragnarok X Next Generation (ROX). However, when you use its skill, a prompt pops up saying “Magic Gear Fuel Insufficient”. For anyone acquiring this new job for the first time, it can be quite frustrating not knowing where to get this fuel. It’s not available in the Merchant’s Life skill either in Exchange.

To save you the hassle of searching for it, Magic Gear Fuel is available at the Sundries store for 48,000 Zeny. You can find it under Battle Supplies and can purchase 99 packs of fuel at once. There is no limit for purchasing it.
How Magic Gear Fuel is consumed
When you use the active skills of Magic Gear, such as mounting into a robot or casting any skills, you will consume 1 x Magic Gear Fuel.

In just one fuel pack, you’ll have more than enough to get you through a day or an entire round of KVM. Though you may need to buy more fuel when you go AFK and using the Magic Gear.
Is Magic Gear Fuel craftable?
Unfortunately, fuel cannot be crafted in Ragnarok X Next Generation and the only way to obtain it is through the Sundries store.