The upcoming CG animated series, Resident Evil Infinite Darkness is set to release on Netflix in July 2021. This is after they reveal a new character trailer for the series on Netflix’s YouTube channel. The new video unveils tiny details of the story including a prologue of Leon and Claire working at the White House right before the zombie apocalypse.
The Resident Evil Infinite Darkness is based from the Resident Evil 2 Remake characters, it intertwines horror, action and suspense visual effect that you usually seen on most cut scenes in the game. Though the game and the series has a little twist on the character’s story, it is good to see this series begins at the prologue and who knows this twist might just one of the secrets of these character in the whole franchise of Resident Evil.
In the trailer, we seen the previous job of the two main characters at the White House. As well as a vision of a little boy who draws a depiction of a post zombie apocalypse. In the last seconds of the clip, we also seen Leon leading the US Secret service protecting the President.
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness releases worldwide in July 2021, only on Netflix.