Today, Pearl Abyss announced the new class Sage available in Black Desert SEA. Player can now play as the Last Ancient and participate in various event dedicated for the launching of this new class.

The new Sage is a caster type class who master the time and space. He can manipulate time and space to unleash astounding and destructive power. He can wield a cube-shaped Kyve as his main weapon and uses a special skills to open a rifts in space and inflict massive damage to the enemies.
Adventurer can also combine his unique skills to gain upper hand in different battle. Sage’s class-specific trait will also allow adventurer to grant Sage access to the ancient Hystria Ruins and Aakman Temple without the required entry items.
Special Events
Together with this new class, there will be various special event will take place in Black Desert SEA. Adventurers who log in as Sage in the game until April 28 will be able to received a rewards like Value Packs and Eyes of the Wise the Challenge menu. Aside from that, those who reach certain level with this new class will also obtain additional rewards depending on how far adventurer can reach.
Ancient Kyve will also make an appearance in the world of Black Desert for a limited time. Until April 27, Ancient Kyve will appear in hunting grounds, and those who get close to it can also obtain an 80-minute special buffs.
To know more about the new class, you can check their official website at