When you connect to your Valheim dedicated server, you always enter the public IP Address to connect to it such as – this is way hard to remember and sometimes you forgot or lost it when you’re trying to play your remote world. It is ideal to use a words instead of numbers for our server, this will also help your players to connect easily without them memorizing these numeric numbers. But did you know you can use a Domain Name like .com, .ph and etc. instead of an IP Address? Yes this is so possible and it works in Valheim.

If you don’t have a domain name yet, you can purchase one from any popular domain name service. Either from the following Godaddy, dotPH or namecheap.
Editing Domain Name DNS Records
Once you’ve successfully purchase your own domain name, you can then go to the product dashboard of the domain service of your choice. Look for your domain name, then there should be a way to edit the DNS (DNS Management) or something. Click or edit on it to change the records.
At the Records, click Add. Then fill it up with the following details:
If you want to use whole domain name to connect to your Valheim server (eg. YOUR_DOMAIN.com).
- Type: A
- Host: @
- TTL: 1 Hour (43,200 seconds)
If you want to use a sub-domain name instead of the whole domain, you may also edit the host and add the name of your desired sub-domain name (eg. valheim.YOUR_DOMAIN.com).
- Type: A
- Host: YOUR_SUB_DOMAIN_NAME (eg. valheim)
- TTL: 1 Hour (43,200 seconds)
At this point, you can now connect to your Valheim dedicated server using your domain name. To connect, simply open up the Valheim game.
Select your character then click Start. Then click the Community Tab, there should be Join IP button, click on it.
From here, instead of entering the IP Address, you can now enter your domain name to enter the game and no need to include the additional port number. The port number will automatically selected if you’re using the default 2456, no need to forward it.
now if you needed to forward the port what would you do?