Battle Royale Games like Apex Legends, Call of Duty Warzone and PUBG requires enormous amount of specs to win and to run smoothly on your computer. If your computer is a stove (low specs), you will probably not get good fps on gaming. The modern games will be tested on an AMD Radeon R7 Graphics, with a Vram of 512 mb.

Here are the 5 modern games tested on a 512 mb vram graphics card.
5. Gta V
Grand Theft Auto 5 is a really good game, the game was released back 2013, but it has received many updates making it one of the demanding games today. It has titles that until today is appreciated. Grand Theft Auto V is more like a graphics kind of game, it focuses on the graphics and the realism the game can get, but in doing missions or online your gonna need a lot of fps to be able to complete and compete. Some Influencers even made videos about it online, giving gamers the thought of GTA V being better than the Cyberpunk 2077.
The video card requirements of the game is a NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB/ AMD HD 4870 1 GB, we should be able to run the game without burning the pc, but we need to make some adjustments.
If you badly want play GTA V on a low end pc, your gonna need to make some configuration to the game files or using some graphics mods.
While running the game at the lowest graphics possible (without configuring the settings), we did not get fps drop but we got textures loading for 3 minutes. When driving faster, it gets worst until the game freezes, but it gets back after few seconds.
4. Minecraft (Resource Packs and Shaders)
The never aging game; Minecraft, Minecraft is one of the few popular games today that is playable on a low end pc. The game is developed by Mojang, a game where there are no limits to your imagination, the game doesn’t have specific goals to make, except for the survival mode where you have to beat the ender dragon and continue Free Roam. Minecraft is still very popular to Influencers as well, Youtubers like MrBeast Gaming, Dream, Pewdiepie, Technoblade and more are still streaming the game.
Minecraft can look way cooler when shaders are applied, shaders are the one that brings realism to the game that makes your pc into a stove. A youtuber named Austin Evans cooked an egg using his gaming pc, this became one of the unheard trends online. Shaders can cause your pc to be 4x slower when running at a 512 mb VRAM. You might even be able to cook an egg at your pc.
After few minutes, I decided to remove the shaders since it costed a lot of fps, the minimum fps was 2. I used the Shaders SEUS Lite.
3. Call of Duty: Mobile (Gameloop)
Call of Duty: Mobile is one of the best android game with good graphics, the game is also very addictive because of the ranks and the season events. Call of Duty has finally reached to mobile and we will be running it at a low end pc, so expect some of FPS drops.
Thanks to Gameloop, we can run Call of Duty: Mobile, without enabling VT or Virtualization on our PC, You can also play CODM on other emulator like Nox and LD Player.
On the lobby the FPS is still good, but when reaching the start of the battle royale the game starts to drop at medium graphics. The game runs smoothly on low graphics, so if you are looking for a call of duty warzone on your 512 mb VRAM, this is it.