There are some reports that some players who abuse the PlayStation Plus Collection are getting banned. People who are banned got the following message when they try to login to the Sony’s website “Access to PlayStation Network by this account has been temporarily suspended due to policy violations. An email with more details will be sent to the email address for this account. Also refer to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User Agreement.”.
This story was been first reported from a Facebook page Nmia 尼未亞. This should be taken with a grain of salt as the information was a collaborative report from players who experience getting banned after claiming the PS Plus Collection from another person’s PS5.
UPDATE as of 11/26/2020 @ 3:53PM: It turns out that the banned is not triggered by activating the PS Plus Collection but rather from a defense mechanism of the PlayStation Network that protects the console and the account from being hacked or abused. Nmia 尼未亞 says “When there is more than 50 different accounts logged in to a console, and makes purchases from PS store of other region, the system will detect and determine it as being hacked. The account will be banned for 2 months, while the console will be permanently banned. Currently it is being negotiated at the customer service if there is any turnaround to the situation, but joint purchasing is indeed violating the rules and regulations, and the mechanism existed to protect the hacked account from being further abused.”

Since getting Sony’s next gen consoles is extremely difficult, players are looking for ways to get that extra perks from a PlayStation 5 unit, and that’s the PS Plus Collection. The perks includes 20+ FREE games which you can also play in PS4, it only requires a PS Plus subscription and an activation login to any PS5 unit.
Following is the list of FREE games.
- Bloodborne
- Days Gone
- Detroit: Become Human
- God of War
- Infamous Second Son
- Ratchet and Clank
- The Last Guardian
- The Last of Us Remastered
- Until Dawn
- Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
- Batman: Arkham Knight
- Battlefield 1
- Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Zombies Chronicles Edition
- Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
- Fallout 4
- Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition
- Monster Hunter: World
- Mortal Kombat X
- Persona 5
- Resident Evil 7 biohazard
There are some players particularly in Hong Kong who reported that their account is being temporarily banned after asking their friend who has a PS5 to login for their account to claim the PS Plus Collection. Whereas those PS5 units that have been repeatedly used to activate those accounts receives permanent banned.
Some of them contacted Sony’s support, they got a response saying that the ban is not permanent, but just temporary and it will last up to 2 months. So far, no information added on what is the cause of the banned.
The reason for the ban is likely from an abused or repeatedly using their console to activate the PS Plus Collection. Either from a service in a grey market who makes extra money or simply from a group of friends helping each other to claim the perks. However, we see no problem on claiming the perks from one to five different accounts as logging on the same PS5 within the family members is perfectly normal and allowed. Of course, it should be in the same region.