When you came across at the Qingce Village in Genshin Impact, you’ll be encountering an Incomplete writing lightning pillar near the Teleport Waypoint. Around it there is some sort of unlock mechanism from five dragon stone statue that you can use to unlock the puzzle.
Table of Contents
In this guide, we will walkthrough you on how to to solve all of the Incomplete Writing puzzle in Genshin Impact.
Incomplete Writing – Altar Qingce Village
You can find the first Incomplete Writing lightning pillar is at the east side of the Qingce Village, you can check the map below for the exact location.

The hint to solve this Incomplete Writing is inside the manuscript of the lightning pillar which says.
“…Rex Lapis overcame the Chi, but the Chi could not perish in its entirely. Thus did Rex Lapis conquer each of its facets in turn: its spirit was bound in the north, its bones were pinned in the south-east, its flesh was incarcerated in the north-west, its soul was fettered in the north-east, and its form was crushed in the south-west…”.

The highlighted blue words are the hint and you just have to translate the compass direction and use it in order to the dragon stone statue.
- Top
- Bottom Right
- Top Left
- Top Right
- Bottom Left
To solve it, you need to go to and activate the first statue at the top, then 2nd statue on the bottom right, then 3rd statue at the top left, then 4th statue at the top right and lastly go to the 5th statue at the bottom left.

If you missed the order, you can reset the statue by activating all of them.
Once done, a Precious Chest will appear and you can loot it to get your rewards.

In our case we get 1 x Exile’s Pocket Watch, 1 x Lucky Dog’s Hourglass, some Fine Enhancement Ore and Mystic Enhancement Ore.
Incomplete Writing – Peak Mountain Qingce Village
The other one is on the top of the highest mountain in the Qingce Village with a huge Tree on top of it. It takes time to reach this mountain, so you need to be patient on climbing this mountain.

Here is the map location for your guide.

Once you’ve reach the top, read the incomplete manuscript for the hint. The hint says “Here stands this statue, to watch in each direction: the wind-swept ruin, the snow-capped peak, the adepti’s abode, and the city of Liyue.

The hint tells a specific location, you need to activate those dragon stone statue that pointing to the said location. It doesn’t need to be in order to solve this puzzle.

Once done, the Precious Chest will appear and you’ll get the rewards. In our case, we got Exile’s Circlet, Lucky Dog’s Silver Circlet, and some Mystic Enhancement Ore and Fine Enhancement Ore.
For reference, you can also watch our full walkthrough for this Incomplete Writing Puzzle below.