In the flight training “Basic Controls & Camera”, there is the portion in training that it is hard to figure out if it is your first time to fly a plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator, because there is indicator for what key to press for the instruction, it simply says “Use Throttle Lever, Decrease Throttle to cut engine power”.
Looking for the right keys in the control will also take you time, so in this guide we will help you how to do it right.
How to Increase/Decrease Throttle in XBOX Controller
For XBOX One controller, simply press A and B to control the speed of your plane engine. A to increase, while B to decrease the throttle speed.
How to Increase/Decrease Throttle in Keyboard
To increase or decrease the throttle, simply press F2 and F3 from your keyboard. Pressing F3 will increase the Throttle putting more power to the engine, while pressing the F2 will decrease the engine power. However, pressing the F1 will automatically cut off the engine power to 0%.
In the cockpit view, you can also interact inside the cockpit, you’ll notice a lever control for THROTTLE at the bottom center of the cockpit. Pressing and holding this lever will also increase/decrease the engine power. Pushing forward to increase, backward to decrease.

Alternatively, you may also use climb (NUM 8 from your keyboard) the decrease the speed of your engine and pitch (NUM 2 from your keyboard) to increase the the speed.
That’s it guys! Hope this help you get started with flying at Microsoft Flight Simulator.