Today, Steam just started this year’s STEAM AUTUMN SALE and it features a steam awards nominations for the best steam games. The nomination will start from November 26 to December 3, 2019.

The Steam Awards nomination is composed of 6 categories. The Game of the Year Awards, The VR Game of the Year Award, The Labor of Love Award, The Better with Friends Award, The Most Innovative Gameplay Award, The Outstanding Story-Rich Game Award, the Best Game You Suck At Award, and lastly, the Outstanding Visual Style Award.
Players who completed a 4 tasked in the nomination will get special badges for their profile.
To complete the task, you basically need to do the following:
- Nominate at least 1 game – You need to nominate in any category for at least 1 game to get this reward.
- Nominate a game in each category – You need to nominate a game for the 6 categories.
- Play a game you’ve nominated – Launch or Play the game that you just nominated for any categories.
- Review (or update your review) for a game you’ve nominated – Simply review the game you’ve nominated or at least updates the existing review you had in your steam profile.
When you finish the following task, you will get the following badges:

That’s it, pancit guys!
I’ve reviewed a game I’ve nominated and I didn’t get the 4th task completed 🙁 who should I address about this?