Unfortunately, Google Play Pass is not yet available in other countries, especially here in the Philippines and only available in the US. Other region will have to wait a couple of months to try the new service of Google. However, there are ways to still subscribe to Google Play Pass. You only need a Google account that is set to a US country and has a Google Play credit remaining balance on it. You’ll able to pay and subscribe for the subscription even you’re outside the US.

Google Play Pass is a subscription-based service of Google for Apps and Games, where subscriber will enjoy no-ads gaming experience and in-app purchases.
How to Subscribe to Google Play Pass
Make sure you have a Google Play US account and has at least $1.99 Google Play credit in it. If you don’t have Google Play credit, you can purchase online at G2A.com or other websites. You may also use G-Cash AMEX credit card.
If you already have credit, just open up Google Play Store app, then tap the menu and then tap Play Pass.
Tap Start free trial and confirm the subscription. You’ll get 1 month free trial and you’ll be charge $1.99 after. The first 1 year is only $1.99 per month and after 1 year, you’ll be charge $4.99.
The subscription can be shared up to 5 family members.