The recipe for cooking food is already listed in the game, but to unlock a new recipe, it requires the players to discover it by using an existing recipe. This gives confusion to new players especially when they reach level 3, and clueless on how to cook the Steamed Sun Bun.
When you try to click the objective for Steamed Sun Bun, a message will appear on the screen saying “Cook the Pea Soup in different ways. New Discoveries await.”.
The clue is, you need to cook a Pea Soup, but in a different way. If you notice when you Begin Cooking, besides the ingredients, there is some an option pop-up box that allows you to choose, either ‘Use directly’, ‘Cut Pisces’ or depends on the ingredients. This is where you experiment cooking the Pea Soup, you can follow our step-by-step guide below for cooking Steamed Sun Bun.
Steamed Sun Bun
To cook this recipe, you need to have the following ingredients and level.
- 2 x Golden Wheat
- 2 x Sunshine Peas
- Unlock Level 3 Cooking
Once you have those ingredients, head to Recipe Lv.3 and choose Pea Soup.
In Pea Soup ingredients, select the following options:
- Golden Wheat – Flour Mill
- Sunshine Peas – Cut Piece

Once you selected the options, start Cooking.
After that, a new recipe should be discovered, the Steamed Sun Bun.

That’s it! Hope this guide help you unlock the Steamed Sun Bun!