Good news to all Ragnarok Masters players! Gungho is conducting a survey targeting all of Ragnarok Masters players. Answering all of the questions will reward players a total of 6 in-game items “Big Cat Coins”. The event will run from July 3, 2019 up to July 10, 2019.
Each survey is valid per one Ragnarok Master Player ID only. You can get the Player ID from clicking your character thumbnail on the upper left corner of the screen, this will show character’s stats with the ID number on the lower left portion.

You’ll get the BCC from the in-game email after answering the survey.
How to Answer the Survey
Head to the official form
If you don’t understand Japanese, right click the page press Translate to English when using Google Chrome.

In the first questions, fill up the field with your 10 Digit Player ID.
Then, fill up the rest of the form based from your preference. If you don’t live in Japan, select any cities.
Once done, click the 回答内容を確認す button to submit your form.