If you guys have problem playing the Super Mecha Champions through emulators. We are here to help you! All you need to do is a Bluestack emulator and some configuration that helps you aim and trigger using a mouse.

Super Mecha Champions is a brand new mecha style battle royale game from Netease. The game reaches the top chart in Google Play in just a matter of days. But a lot of players have problem playing the game in PC and MacOS.
How to Download Super Mecha Champions in PC
Before anything else, you need an emulator to download and play the game.
You can download the emulator Bluestacks from their official page.
Once you downloaded the emulator, open up Google Play Store and search the game Super Mecha Champions.

Then download and install the game.
Configuring Bluestacks for Mouse Support
Since the game is new, there are no automatic configuration assigned to the game when you launch it using the emulators. To support mouse, you need to open the game first, then click the Advanced Game Controls.
The Advanced Game Controls will pop-up. Now, follow the instructions below.
Drag and drop he D-pad to the game screen, then place it on the movement joypad overlay. Right click the D-pad overlay to show D-pad settings. Set the following values.
- X: 15.73
- Y: 73.11
Then add a Aim, pan and shoot, then put it anywhere in the screen that has no overlay. Then right click on it, to show Pan Settings.
In the Pan Settings, enable the Fire with mouse left. Then set the following coordinates.
- Action Position X: 84.7
- Action Position Y: 71.2
For the rest of the settings, you can drag and drop a Tap Spot. Then you can follow our settings as well:
- Reload: R
- Call Mecha: M
- Sight: Right-Click
- Jump: Space
- Crouch: Ctrl
- Roll: Shift
- Weapon Select 1: 1
- Weapon Select 2: 2
- Weapon Select 3: 3
- Settings: `
Once all are set. Save the configuration and close the Advanced game controls pop-up window.

When you’re in the game, to use the mouse control. All you have to do is to press the F1 button from your keyboard.