This month event, Big Cat Celebration Server Rewards in Ragnarok M Eternal Love (SEA) includes of giving away free Big Cat Celebration Vouchers to all players in the game.
There are three ways to get Big Cat Celebration Vouchers, and the two needs completion to claim the free vouchers. Here are the list and how you complete it.
Through Mail Daily (20 pcs)
Each day until January 30, 2018. You can get free Big Cat Celebration Voucher daily, you’ll get a mail containing the voucher every 5:30 PM (Manila, Philippine Time).

Prontera Quest Daily (5 pcs)
You can also get 5 pcs of Big Cat Celebration Voucher by completing the quest at the center of Prontera at the Fountain, near the Feast Gatcha. Completing the daily quest will give you 5pcs of vouchers.
Mission Board Quest (Weekly)
You can get up to 20 pcs of Big Cat Celebration Voucher when you finish the mission board quest on these weeks.
- 10 pcs BCCV – January 14, 2019 to 21, 2019
- 10 pcs BCCV – January 22, 2019 to 29, 2019
Valhalla Quest Weekly (10 pcs)
You can also complete the Valhalla Quest from your guild and you’ll get 10 pcs of Big Cat Celebration Voucher.