When you talk to Tammi at the Prontera West Gate. A quest for the Starry Night will be activated. Your mission is to find the boy from his dream which is made of a stone. She then asked you to look for him at the South Gate of Prontera.

When you reach the area, you’ll find Ambrose and he told you that he has similar dream but about a girl.

After going back to Tammi to told her that you found the guy of his dream. She wants you to find out, if Ambrose was still in there.

Once you reach Ambose at the Prontera South Gate, he then asked you question to proved if you’re not playing with him. So you need to answer the 3 questions to continue with the quest.
Answers for Ambrose Question
The first question of Ambrose is Tell me. What is this girl’s hair? Answer for this question is Dark Blue.

The next question is Describe her appearance. What did she wear? Answer for this question is Swordsman’s Clothes.

The last question is What pet is with her? Answer for this is Poring.

After that, Ambrose believe that you really meet the girl of his dream. You then need to go back to Tammi to tell him that the boy was still in South Prontera Gate. Tammi then also want to prove that he was really the guy from his dream, so he asked the same questions.
Answers for Tammi Question
The first question of Tammi is, Tell me, what color is this boy’s hair? The answer to this question is Golden.

The second question is Describe his appearance. What did he wear? The answer to this question is Swordsman’s Clothes.

The third and last question is What pet is with him? Answer is Yoyo.

That’s it! There will be several mission after this part.