In the quest Pizza’s Advanced Class, you were asked by the NPC Pizza to make 3 Popular Kebabs. The NPC that gave you the task probably mention the ingredients for cooking this Popular Kebabs. But if you happen to skip the conversation and unable to repeat it. You probably stuck on this quest.
To recap, here are the ingredients for Popular Kebabs:
- 1 x Rocker Leg Meat
- 1 x Salt
If the Material Shop is not yet available to your account, you can loot the Salt ingredients from Thief Bug at the Sewer 1F or in Sewer 2F. Or you could try from Eggrya which is in Payon Cave 1F.
How to Cook Popular Kebabs
Open your Cookbook from your Bag, then Use it.

In the bottom left corner, select the Grill (second icon) from the Basket Cookware. Then add the following ingredients; 1 x Rocker Leg Meat and 1 x Salt. Then press start to begin cooking.

The ????? recipe should now be unlocked with the Popular Kebabs.

Once done, you can now return to Royal Cuisine Association and get your rewards.

That’s it! Hope this simple guide will help you with the quest!
The rewards you get from this quest are the following:
- 5,000 Zeny
- 5 x Expert Food Pack III
- 5220 Base EXP and 3030 Job EXP