In the east part of the Morroc, You opened a new quest called Osiri’s Entrustment from a guy named Osiri Sograt Resident. You were asked to collect 50 Hard Shells and give it to the person.
Many players got stuck and confuse on this quest, because the different name of the item listed in the Accepted Quest, instead of Hard Skins it was named Hard Shells. There are also no guide pointers in the map, which helps players hunt the item, the only clue you had is the Peco Peco recommended.

But if you listen carefully with the conversation you had with Orisi, he actually tell you the correct name. The only bug in the game is the different spelling of the item name in the Quest list.

You can farm these Hard Skins from the following monsters:
- Desert Wolf (Level 53) – Morroc
- Peco Peco (Level 50) – Morroc, Desert
For fast farming of Hard Skins, make sure to use a Lightning Chain and must not yet exceeded the Combat Time. Otherwise, you’ll take hours on getting one Hard Skins.

Once you’re done collecting the 50 x Hard Skins, go back to Osiri and give the items. Your quest should now completed.

Anong reward sa quest na to sir?