When you reach Glast Heim and able level up to 80. A quest will be available from Kafra called New Product Promo Quest, which allows you to unlock the headwear Maiden Band from the Smile Assistance.

The rewards you’ll be getting when you complete this quest are the following:
- Maiden Band [1] Blueprint
- 17,770 Base EXP
- 10,890 Job EXP
- 1,190 Zeny
These quest requires you to get 100 x Abyss Flowers, which you can get from the Buckler Archers in Kordt Forest.
The next materials that you need to send to Kafra is pretty expensive and hard to get, you can only get it from the high level MVP monsters.

The item is Wrapping Lace which you could get from the drop of the following MVP monsters:
- Alice (Lv.92) – The Ruins of Valhalla Guild
- Zherlthsh (Lv.94) – The Ruins of Valhalla Guild
- Kobold Leader (Lv.80) – The Ruins of Valhalla Guild
- Kobold Leader (Lv.80) – Kordt Forest
However, you can also get Wrapping Lace from the exchange for about 92,994 Zeny. You could also luckily get it from Mysterions Box 3.0 and 2.0.
Once you completed all of the materials, you can send it to Kafra and you can now complete the quest.

Last thing is you need to buy the Maiden Band blueprints from the Smile Assistance just on the top corner of Kafra, besides Mission Board. The blueprint is cost around 776 Eden Coins.

That’s it! Hope this simple guide help you get the Maiden Band Blueprint.