Part of the quest in Glast Heim, an NPC named Zoe, Hand of Goddess asked for the other half of contract, which you can only get from the NPC Jacob. But when you talk to Jacob, it will challenge you for a little game that you need to remember the Poring’s last known position.
If the animations are quite too fast and hard to remember, players usually get stuck on this quest. To help you, we’ve added here a guide for the poring’s last known position and its answer.
Answers for Jacob Challenge (Poring Position)
Here are the image of Poring’s last known position. From left to right; Boling, Poring, Poling.

There will be only 1 questions from Jacob and it is random. Just pick from the answer below.
- Tell me. Which creature in front of you is Boling? The answer is The left one.
- Tell me. Which creature in front of you is Poring? The answer is The middle one.
- Tell me. Which creature in front of you is Poling? The answer is The right one.

That’s it. After answering correctly the question of Jacob. You’ll get the Other Half Contract and you could now able to go back to Zoe to complete the quest.