When you reach level 80 in Ragnarok M Eternal Love, the Minstrel in Glast Heim will be available from the NPC named Belmond Ellen Minstrel, one of the quest from this minstrel is the Dark Falls. The Dark Falls has two unlocks and some rewards when you complete the minstrel quest.
- Forest Staff [1]
- Scalpel [1]
- 312,750 Base Exp
- 181,400 Job Exp
- 4,500 Zeny
When initiating the quest for the Dark Falls, there are 3 questions that you need to answer in order to proceed on the quest. You need to correctly answer the 3 questions straight or else you’ll return from the 1st question.
What are the Answers for the Dark Falls Question
Who is the master of Hellgrehenn the blacksmith in Prontera? The answer is Hayward.

In Ereme’s story, which monster gained control over Eremes’ father? The answer is The Dark Illusion.

In Solo Took’s story, what’s the name of Solo Took’s wife? The answer is Korena.

You’ll also be asked to collect 150 x Devil Hearts after answering the questions of this minstrel. And the next objectives is to collect 60 x Abyss Flowers from the Buckler Archers. You can also get the Abyss Flowers from the exchange. However, the Devil Hearts is a quest item and cannot be purchase from the Exchange.

The last challenge of this minstrel for the Dark Falls quest is the Rock, Scissor and Paper game. You need to pick one answer from the 3 choices.
What is the correct answer for Rock, Scissor, Paper
The correct answer is Rock. (We’re unsure if the answer is random or not)

In our case, we pick Rock and we won from the challenge. That was the last challenge and you’ll get the rewards once you talk again to the minstrel.