Here is the newest series of Life of Strange franchise, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit a separate game from Life of Strange but in the same universe. This is also the introduction of the new character Chris to the Life of Strange, a protagonist character in Captain Spirit. The first episode of the game is currently on Steam, XBOX One and PS4.
Some of you might be looking for the use fonts on the Logo, the font use in the The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit is currently unavailable for public and it is copyright from Square Enix. But for some fonts use in the game, it is available and you get one from the author.
Alternatives Fonts
The headline “THE AWESOME ADVENTURES OF” is similar to Roboto Font. The “CAPTAIN SPIRIT” is also similar to Chronica Pro Heavy with some distortion.

Other Font use in the Game
In the game user interface, the font use in Main menu, interaction and subtitle is Cardenio Modern font by Nils Cordes, you can download the font at They also use Verveine font for other text highlights, it is designed by Luce Averous.

For those who’s looking for the transparent logo of the Captain Spirit, you can download it on its official website.
That’s it! Hope you this help you find the font for The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit.