Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Items Locations Guide

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Our Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Item Shop Locations guide below reveals the location of all item you can find in the game, this is very helpful if you have no idea where to look for this item especially an requirement for crafting or completing a quest.

This list of item are all items that you can find in every vendor of the game, will also add the effect’s for this item. All shop are also included in this list including shops located in Argentum Guild, Torigoth, Garfont, Fonsa Myma and more.

You can check the items below that are seperated in regions and vendor:

Argentum Trade Guild

Strummer Instruments

  • Roly-Poly Maracas
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Nopolele
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Funky Conga
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Whispercorder
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Casta-Mutes
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster, Affinity Gain

Nopox Hobby Store

  • Clattertongue
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Nopon Chess Set
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Sneak-Thief King
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Tradeway 66
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Coral Nopon Chess Set
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up, Specials Recharge Faster

Reedirait Bookstore

  • Salvaging Made Easy
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • Yumyum’s Golden Gun
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • The Millenarian Titan
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • Adventures of Myram
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up, Specials Recharge Faster
  • Mumuni the Littlepon
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up, Affinity Gain

12 Brothersisterpon

  • Twinklejuice
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Fizz Juice
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Chunky Juice
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain

Cleo’s Cosmetics

  • Eau de Doux
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Elastifying Tonic
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Freshening Gel
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Curled Eyelashes
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity, Affinity Gain
  • Bubbly Mani-Pedi Kit
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity, Affinity Gain

Honeycomb Sweets

  • Melodious Melon Parfait
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Cinnopon Roll
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Sparklesugar
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Fruity Rice Ball
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster, Physical Resistance
  • Narcipear Jelly
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster, Physical Resistance, Ether Resistance
  • Honeycomb Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Faster Development

Noodler’s Delight

  • Argentum Noodle Soup
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier

Fishy Fishy

  • Grilled Anchortail
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Oyster Stir-Fry
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Marine Stir-Fry
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance, HP Recovery Modifier Up, Party Gauge Gain
  • Fishy Fishy Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Idea Point Gain Up

Rumbletum Canteen

  • Juicy Samod
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Lightly Fried Rice
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Massive Mushroom Pie
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Bright Samod
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier, HP Recovery Modifier Up

Falala, Pop Star

  • Spicy Stralu
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance

Torigoth, Gormott Province

Tomi Fishmongers

  • Gormotti FIsh Flakes
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Grass-Smoked Salmon
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Bipedal Crab Chili
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance, % HP as Damage Barrier, Arts Recharge Faster
  • Tomi Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Item Collection Range Up

Llysiau Greens

  • Crispy Saute
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Torigoth Marinade
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Stuffed Meaty Carrot
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Puri Leaf Salad
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up, % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Llysiau Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Item Collection Range Up

Gryff Butchers

  • Estral Steak
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Tasty Sausage
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Mince & Lentil Stir-Fry
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance, Party Gauge Gain

Cafe Savvy

  • Lunana Smoothie
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Gormotti Honeytea
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Kukurel Springwater
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Passion Fruit Shake
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain, Ether Resistance
  • Victory Smoothie
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain, Arts Recharge Faster, HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Savvy Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Decays Slower Out of Battle

Tilly Bakery

  • Ruska Dumplings
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Ruska Noodle Goulash
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Deluxe Ham Toastie
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Lucky Dawn Bread
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Beat Paste Paratha
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier, Ether Resistance
  • Ruska Noodle Soup
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier, Physical Resistance
  • Cream Orange Paratha
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Tilly Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Running Speed

Cmalaf Artwork

  • The Girl on the Hill
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Black Flower Field
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Woodcut Print of Bana
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain, Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Wood-Carven Queen
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain, Blade Arts Effect Up, Less Affinity Loss
  • Cmalaf Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Item Drop Rate Up

Soniarus Music

  • Torigonda
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Woodgrain Alphorn
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Cederwood Koto
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Woodboard
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster, Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Coralline Marimba
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster, Special Damage Up, Affinity Gain
  • Soniarus Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Running Speed

Dumplings! by Vess

  • Vess’s Dumplings
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier

Pyra’s Cooking

  • Glitterbake
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Hot Moonbeam Salad
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Meatball Pot-au-Feu
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: -4% HP Physical Damage Taken
  • Pan-Fried Tartari
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance, Ether Resistance
  • Sunshine Pie
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance, HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Tricolor Bowl
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier, HP Recovery Modifier Up

Neuromin Textiles

  • Puzzletree Pouch
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Torigoth-Weave Mat
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Wood-Dye Waistcloth
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Sun-Dappled Curtains
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Leaf-Weave Cape
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss, Specials Recharge Faster


  • Puffoundation
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Treesap Conditioner
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Flurrycomb
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Conch Hairpin
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity, Less Affinity Loss

Garfont Village, Kingdom of Uraya

Vargel Tavern

  • Black Roast Coffee
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Jenerossi Tea
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Fizzy Lassi
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain, Arts Recharge Faster
  • Lentil Milkshake
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain, HP Recovery Modifier Up, % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Vargel Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Lure Range Increase

Fallone Crafts

  • Sanar-Knit Headband
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Amu-Skin Gladiator
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Coralweave Towel
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Dazzling Handkerchief
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Gomotti Woodwing
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss, Special Damage Up
  • Sanar-Knit Blanket
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss, Blade Arts Effect Up, Affinity Gain
  • Fallone Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Gold Gain Up

Vibrattio Instruments

  • Scarlet Shamisen
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Fonsan Viola
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Hero’s Harp
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster
  • Cloudsnail Arpeggione
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster, Base Affinity
  • Rumble Cello
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: Specials Recharge Faster, Special Damage Up

Sadecott Groceries

  • Pomegranate Soup
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Sour-Spark-on-a-Stick
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Boiled Hustle Hyacinth
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up, Physical Resistance

Fonsa Myma, Kingdom of Uraya

Volty Butchers

  • Armu T-Bone Steak
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Mixed Meat Platter
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Hotplate Fry-Up
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance, Arts Recharge Faster

Ikthus Fishmongers

  • Dried Sunfish
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Bullybelly Carpaccio
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Steamed Bluegill
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance, Physical Resistance

Brad Flatforms

  • Wrapped Glarna Bake
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Three-Cheese Puran
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Master’s Curry
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Glitterspud Puran
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier, Arts Recharge Faster

Aldomar Books

  • The Alrestogony
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • The Legacy of Selosia
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • Masterpieces of Alrest
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up, Less Affinity Loss

Aquaneze Cosmetics

  • Red Opal Lipstick
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Titan-Oil Hand Cream
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Golden Mascara
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Gorgeous Blusher
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity, Specials Recharge Faster
  • Fonsett-Rogue Lipgloss
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity, Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Aquaneze Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Reduce Terrain Damage

Sprintsy Sweets

  • Rainbow Parfait
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Blossom Custard
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Plumage Peach Jelly
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster, HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Sprintsy Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Decays Slower Out of Battle

Hobby Knick-Kacks

  • Castle Poker
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Gladiator Wrestling
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Coral Reversi
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Duel Line
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Nopopo Yard
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up, Specials Recharge Faster
  • Coral Casino
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up, Less Affinity Loss, Base Affinity
  • Knick-Knacks Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Running Speed

Maluria Antiques

  • Patron King’s Carving
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Final Chorus
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Singing Maiden Statue
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain, Special Damage Up

Shellbrow Wagon

  • Champ’s Churros
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Bitter Choclit
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster

Alba Cavanich, Empire of Mor Ardain

Salter Sweets

  • Steamed Milk Brioche
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Steam-Gel Ice Cream
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Sweet Lentil Bun
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Sky-Jewel Tart
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Odifa Gelée Tart
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster, % HP as Damage Barrier

Haskefell Books

  • Ardainian Arms Album
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • Emperor Ephem’s War
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • Imperial Secret Escapes
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • Les Awfuls
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • How Wars Profit Nopon
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up, Base Affinity
  • Love Beyond the Clouds
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up, Base Affinity, Specials Recharge Faster
  • Haskefell Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Reduce Terrain Damage

Belchett Recyclling

  • Butterfly Lens
    • Type: Treasure
    • Effect/s:
  • Floating Army
    • Type: Treasure
    • Effect/s:

Griogair’s Greens

  • Dolphin Carrot Sliders
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Campfire Skewers
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Crispy Vegetable Salad
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up, Ether Resistance

Bassani Butchers

  • Meat & Lentil Skewer
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Herbal Tartare Kascha
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Grumbird Casserole
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Quoteletta
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Estral Quotelettas
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance, Ether Resistance
  • Armu & Bean Stew
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance, HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Bassani Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Inventory Booster Items Up

Hanoon Fishmongers

  • Grilled Salmon in Herbs
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Cloud Sea Crab Sticks
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Sand Salmon Ceviche
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance, Arts Recharge Faster

Elgeschel Hobby Store

  • Army Field Manual
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Chooby Tubes
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Secret Trails
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Dueling Kingdoms
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Dealing Kingdoms
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up, Base Affinity

Yafush Antiques

  • Punk Doll
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Copper Ephem Statue
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Ardainian Bear Carving
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Felmeri Fairy Statue
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain, Less Affinity Loss
  • Conch Music Box
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain, Base Affinity
  • Yafush Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Decays Slower Out of Battle

Adelno Music

  • Pipe Trumpet
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s:
  • Steamwork Organ
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s:
  • Army-Issue Violin
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s:
  • Hammerplate Snare
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s:
  • Tube Xylophone
    • Type: Instruments
    • Effect/s: , Less Affinity Loss

Fonsett Island, Leftherian Archipelago

Talmye Antiques

  • Luna Lizard Wreath
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Montecoran Doll
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Steel Pipe Lexos
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain, Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Lush Moonbeam Mask
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain, Specials Recharge Faster, Special Damage Up

Future Crafts

  • Jellyfish Balsam Rug
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Codweave Shop Curtain
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Codweave Safety Blanky
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Silken Stool
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Noponcho
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss, Base Affinity

Speck Butchers

  • Pastel Camill
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Albacon Frystack
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Sweet Armu Belly Stew
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Zaproast Power Bowl
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Fragrant Samod Stralu
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance, % HP as Damage Barrier

Corcaja Greengrocers

  • Lybarian Chowder
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Green Cheese Salad
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Vegetable Mille-Feuille
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Veg & Oyster Aspic
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up, Arts Recharge Faster

Coral Leaf Fresh Fish

  • Broiled Pinfin
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Sauteed Beat Shrimps
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Braised Cloud Sea Shark
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance, Physical Resistance
  • Seared Whitebait
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance, Physical Resistance, % HP as Damage Barrier

Goetuis Port, Indoline Praetorium

Cookie Seller

  • Heart Cookies
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster

Icarus Butchers

  • Estral Steak
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Mixed Meat Platter
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance
  • Herbal Tartare Kascha
    • Type: Meats
    • Effect/s: Physical Resistance

Calceno Deli

  • Juicy Samod
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Ruska Noodle Goulash
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Wrapped Glarna Bake
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier

Silktu Textiles

  • Wood-Dye Waistcloth
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Dazzling Handkerchief
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss

Colpon Books

  • The Millenarian Titan
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • The Alrestogony
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up

Jugos Antiques

  • The Girl on the Hill
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Final Chorus
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain

Cafe Lutino

  • Odifa
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Indoline Tea
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain
  • Frozen Odifa
    • Type: Drinks
    • Effect/s: Party Gauge Gain

Theosoir, Kingdom of Tantal

Platini Deli

  • Fondant Rice Cake
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Tantalese Porridge
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Fried Octomayo
    • Type: Bread
    • Effect/s: % HP as Damage Barrier

Lectica Vegetables

  • Steamed Veg Stralu
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Addam’s Embercakes
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up
  • Prickly Snowpickle
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up, % HP as Damage Barrier
  • Snowy Dudleya Gelée
    • Type: Veggies
    • Effect/s: HP Recovery Modifier Up, % HP as Damage Barrier, Party Gauge Gain

Placks Patisserie

  • Airy Snowflake Sherbet
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Thawing Mille-Feuille
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Baked Narcipear
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster
  • Sno-Bake Cheesecake
    • Type: Desserts
    • Effect/s: Arts Recharge Faster

Tatraty Fish

  • Aromalocaris Sauté
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance
  • Abyssturgeon Medallion
    • Type: Seafood
    • Effect/s: Ether Resistance

Biblio Paulio

  • Prideful Walking
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • The Armu Who Loved
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • Witness the Crustip
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up
  • The Annals of Addam
    • Type: Literature
    • Effect/s: Special Damage Up

Boldarde Textiles

  • Tantalese Velvet
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Snowflake-Weave Sole
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Genbu-Weave Cloth
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss
  • Heatstripe
    • Type: Textiles
    • Effect/s: Less Affinity Loss

Praximo Cosmetics

  • Steamy Oil
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Chocolate Shadow
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Moonstar Lipstick
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity
  • Noponic Nails
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity, Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Steam Powder
    • Type: Cosmetics
    • Effect/s: Base Affinity, Affinity Gain, Special Damage Up
  • Praximo Deeds
    • Type: Deed
    • Effect/s: Pouch Cap Up

Memoria Art

  • Ancient King’s Portrait
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Snow-Crystal Vase
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain
  • Portrait of Ger the Hero
    • Type: Art
    • Effect/s: Affinity Gain

Hobby Trappers

  • Don’t Feed the Armu
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Bluff Knight
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up
  • Money-Bye-Bye
    • Type: Board Games
    • Effect/s: Blade Arts Effect Up

That’s all the items that you can collect in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. If we missed something, don’t hesitate to leave a comment down below. Cheers!

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