Ubisoft is giving away a copy of it’s one of their greatest AAA games for everyone. The game Watch_Dogs is now FREE in uplay and you have a chance to own it, you can redeem this game from their website or by just logging in to the uPlay client. What you only need to do is sign in and add the game to your library, this offer will run until November 14, 2017 – after that it will be back to its original price. To clarify, once the game is added to your library – the game will be completely keep in your account forever.

Watch_Dogs is an action adventure game where you will be playing the role of a hacker Aiden Pearce. You have to hack the ctOS program which is a centralized operating system that manage everything from ATM, Electric Lines, lights, cameras and other facilities, where this ctOS program is use by corrupt official for their personal agenda.
If you love open-world and a third-person game, you should try playing this one plus its FREE right now!
To get a FREE copy you can go to freetrial.ubisoft.com/promotions/watch-dogs-1/8/ or just login from uPlay client and you’ll see a banner ads in the News section GET WATCH_DOGS FOR FREE.