Black Desert Mobile Farming Spot Locations, Fastest Way to Earn Silver

When you basically know everything in Black Desert Mobile and already reach the middle game. You probably looking for ways on how to earn silver for free, especially when you already have done will all of the daily chores in the game. Earning a silver is the best way to get more rare gears in the game via the market, and you can do that when you’re idle from your phone/emulator or using the Black Spirit Mode until the inventory is full.

However, the Black Spirit Mode automatically locates the best farm location, so picking the suggested location is still the best choice.

Farming Spot Locations

There are farming spots locations in Black Desert Mobile where you can earn drops from the monster you eliminated and eventually sell those drops to exchange for silvers. So far, the best area to loot is in the Troll Defense Output, you could get as much as 500,000 silver within 5 hours.

Below is the list of location that fits in your level that you can earn more silver in 5 hours of farming, the calculation is at 2.5 loots every minute.

Farming SpotCP Requirement / Item lootEstimate Earning per 5 hours
Southern Guard Camp
1000 to 1200

Item loot:
Fogan Webfoot (97 Silver)
72,000 Silver
Dernyl Farm
1100 to 1300

Item loot:
Old Hood (115 Silver)
86,000 Silver
Watchtower Basement
Neutral Border Zone
1200 to 1400

Item loot:
Worn-Out Black Cloak (125 Silver)
93,000 Silver
Delphe Knight’s Castle
Neutral Border Zone
1300 to 1500

Item loot:
Lustrous Feather (128 Silver)
96,000 Silver
Orc Camp
Neutral Border Zone
1300 to 1500

Item loot:
Red Orc Nose Ring (126 Silver)
94,500 Silver
Bree Tree Forest
North Calpheon
1500 to 1800

Item loot:
Worn Rock Fragment (233 Silver)
169,000 Silver
Bree Tree Ruins
North Calpheon
1500 to 1800
Forsaken Land
North Calpheon
1500 to 1800
Quint Hill
North Calpheon
1500 to 1800

Troll Defense Outpost
North Calpheon
1600 to 1900

Item loot:
Troll Hide (624 Silver)
468,000 Silver
Cursed Lands
North Calpheon
1600 to 1900

Item Loot:
Brand Token (220 Silver)
165,000 Silver
Quarry Cave
Southeast Calpheon
1600 to 1900
Saunil Camp
Southeast Calpheon
1700 to 2000
Catfishman Camp
Southwest Calpheon
2000 to 2300
Rhutum Sentry Outpost
Southwest Calpheon
2000 to 2300

Item Loot:
Rhutum Earrings (325 Silver)
243,000 Silver
Rhutum Outstation
Southwest Calpheon
2200 to 2400
Calpheon Shrine
Southwest Calpheon
2400 to 2600
Mansha Forest
Southwest Calpheon
2300 to 2600
Calpheon Shrine
Southwest Calpheon
2400 to 2700
Hidden Monastery
Southwest Calpheon
2400 to 2700
Witch’s Chapel
Southwest Calpheon
2600 to 2900
Abandoned Iron Mine
2700 to 3000
Witch Nightmare3200 to 3600
Crop Castle Entrance
2900 to 3200
Cron Castle Patrol
3100 to 3300
Cron Castle
3300 to 3600
Omar Lava Cave
3300 to 3600

(268 Silver)
201,000 Silver

Also to let you know, farming in the map with below the CP level of your character will disable the earning of experience, so it is the best way to stay farming in the suggested CP requirement to earn both experience and loots.

Selling the Drops for Silver

Now you have the drops, you can now sell those to any merchant in the nearest town. You can teleport to the nearby town to easily reach those merchants.

The estimated rate per silver is still ongoing, you may check back this post for the latest update. For more tips like this, check our Black Desert Mobile Ultimate guide.

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