What is Big Cat Credit Card in Ragnarok M Eternal Love

After purchasing an BigCat Coin, Zeny or the 31 Days Premium from Ragnarok M Eternal Love, you’ll automatically get a Big Cat Credit Card or B Coin Credit Card item into your bag. You’ll earn B Coin credit every time you purchase an item from the ReCharge store using real money.

The B Coin Credit Card is a wallet you use for sending gift with your friends, when you want give someone an item or an equipment from the Exchange shop – you need to pay certain amount of B Coin Credit on the top of the item cost and the transaction fee to complete the exchange.

(Note: Buying an item in the Exchange Shop uses Zeny not the B Coin Credit).

The credit added to your B Coin Credit Card is based from the following criteria: (Discount and promos are also applied in the conversion)

Gifting Presents

The NPC for gifting is named Big Cat Man Exchange Clerk. You can find this guy in every capital city of the game in Prontera, Geffen, Morroc, Payon, etc. 

Not all item from the Exchange shop are available for gifting, only items above 100,000 Zeny. To know if the item is available for gifting, open the buy window of the item and at the bottom right corner you should see a message “This item can be given to friends after purchase”. In our example we tried to buy a Roda Frog Card that cost around 169,160 Zeny

When you successfully purchase the item from the Exchange Shop, the item will be available in the Trade History tab. From here, you should see a Present button besides the Collect button. Click the Present to send it to your friends.

As you can see on the top corner of the pop-up window, the amount needed to send this gift is 169,160 B Coin Credit, the same amount you bought the item in Zeny. There’s also an additional 10,000 Zeny transaction fee. To select a recipient, you need to click the + button. However, custom message doesn’t work as of the moment.

Select the friend that you want to give the present. Only friends that are online will be listed here. 

Now, click the Gift to friends to send the gift, and pay the 169,160 B Coin Credit plus the 10,000 Zeny transaction fee.

You also have an option to send it Anonymously. You can then now click the confirm button to send the gift.

After the gift was send. You will be notified when your friend already accepted the gift. It will show the amount deducted and the remaining B Coin Credit you have.

Checking the The B Coin Credit Card, the total balance is now deducted with 169,160 credits. And a new transaction appears in the log book labeled as Cost of Presenting.

Receiving the Gift

Once the recipient received the gift. A Gingerbread Deliveryman will show on his front.

To received the gift, the recipient needs to click the Open Myst Case.

A pop up window will show with the message from the sender. Clicking the Sign for will received the gift and clicking Refuse will decline the present.

Gift received! The Gingerbread Deliveryman will automatically gone after receiving the presents.

That’s it! To recap everything. The sender of the present spent the following amount:

You may also watch our walk-through demo video of how the B Coin Credit Card and Exchange gifting works.

Gifting Rules:

Here are the following rules on gifting in Exchange Shop.

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