How to Unlock Facility Hall in Guild in Ragnarok M Eternal Love

Inside the Guild Hall, there’s an cat that wears black suit named Steward Cat – this cat is the NPC where you can unlock the Facility Hall for your Guild. The requirement for constructing the Facility Hall is 20 Emperiums from the guild stash. Only leaders and Vice Leaders of the guild can unlock the Facility Hall. 

Facility Hall has 4 different facilities:

Incredible Vending Machine

In the Incredible Vending Machine, you can purchase some rare items and pay it using Silver Medal or the Honor Proof Gold. The item available on this shop can only be purchase once per day.

Rare items available on this shop are the following:

Guild Challenge

Unlocking the Facility Hall, also adds a new weekly Guild Challenge to the guild where your members can complete certain task and can claim rewards.

Guild Challenge available:

In the challenge, the most easy one is the Unity. Where you can get rewards if 10 of your guild members log in to the game within the week. 

How to Unlock Facility Hall in Guild

Check your Guild Stash, if your guild already have 20 Emperium.

When your guild already have enough Emperiums, your leader/vice-leader can now starts talking to the NPC and start building the Facility Hall.

Upon starting the Facility Hall, your leader can only choose one facility to build.

In building the first facility, each members can donate numbers of rough elunium or oridecon to progress the building. Each member can only submit 6 times a day.

Your guild needs 38 donation in order to complete. When completed, you can now build the other facility.

Guild Challenge Rules

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