Are you curious where to buy the Leather Working Tools in Red Dead Redemption 2? You can only buy the Leather Working Tools from the Ledger in your camp. The cost of Leather Working Tools is $225.00, money from the camp is also needed to buy this tools.
The ledger can be unlocked by completing the mission from Mr. Strauss, the Money Lending and Other Sins mission. You can check this link on how to unlock the Ledger.
Once you have unlock the Ledger, you can now buy the Leather Working Tools in it from the camp at Horsehoe Overlook camp at The Hearthlands. You can access Ledger from the Donation Box, where you contribute money for the camp. There will be a new menu selection for Ledger in there.
After that, you can now access the extra crafting option from Mr. Pearson.