Facebook added Templates on Facebook Page

Facebook just added new features on Facebook Pages and it allows you to change the template of your facebook page that designed for your business. This new template will allow your customer to focus on things you want to show on your fans.

There are new 7 templates you can choose from these are Standard, Shopping, Venues, Gaming, Politicians, Professional Services and Restaurants & Cafes.

Standard Template are good for all common pages, with buttons and tabs to help showcase what’s important to you. Buttons on Toolbar includes Like, Message and Share. Tabs give you more space for your photos, business details and more (Home, Posts, Videos, Photos, About and Likes).

Shopping Templates designed to showcase your products and make it easy for your customer to shop online. Buttons on Toolbar are the same with standard (Like, Message and Share) and the Tabs are Home, Photos, Shop, Videos, Events, About and Likes.

Venues Templates designed to highlight useful link for your venue’s hours, location and upcoming events. There will be additional Primary buttons “Learn more” and the default 3 buttons on Toolbar (Like, Message and Share). For the Tabs it includes Home, Events, About, Videos, Photos, Posts and Likes.

Gaming Templates  designed to showcase games including a tab for groups where people can find other fans. This template looks exactly the same with Standard Template.

Politicians Templates designed to help politicians reach their supports and communicate with the people. Primary buttons includes Send Message and the Tabs includes Home, About, Videos, Posts, Events, Notes, Photos and Likes.

Professional Services designed to help people find your services and get in touch. This includes a Call Now button and this template includes more tabs like Home, Services, Shop, Photos, Videos, Posts, Events, About and Likes.

Lastly the template is Restaurants & Cafes designed to highlights photos and important info about your menu, hours and location.

You can check this new templates on your Facebook Settings and go to Edit Page, from here you can change your default template to one you like.


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