How to Add Shop Section on Your Facebook Page

Did you know that you can add your own shop on your Facebook Page? Shop will enable your Facebook page to be your online store on selling product, you can also select what currency to be used and add unlimited of listing. This is a good way of boosting your Sales, because your product details will be displayed on Facebook Newsfeed which will give you a higher rate of exposure.

To add Shop on your Facebook Page, follow my instruction below:

1. Just click the + Add Shop Section that can be found on the bottom right corner of your Facebook Timeline.

2. A Pop up will appear, just click the button Add Shop Section.

3. You will be asked to setup your shop currency, select your desired currency and click Save.

4. A new Shop tab was added in your Facebook Page.

5. Now, you just have to add your Products in order for the Shop Tab to appear in public.

As of now, this add shop section are still on Beta and only selected Facebook Page can able to add it. If you’re lucky enough this will appear in your Facebook Page.

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