How to Use Combo Skill in Ragnarok X Next Generation (ROX Guide)

When you reach the second job, you will learn a lot of new skills, many of these new skills will no longer fit on the auto skill slots because it is already full. Ragnarok X Next Generation were able to fixed this and that’s where the Combo Skill slot comes to play. It will allow players to combine 3 skills in one single skill slot and you can set up to 4 combo skill (2 are available for the current version). A very helpful features specially for classes that has too many Active skills.

Table of Contents

  1. Setting up Combo Skill
  2. Using Combo Skill in Auto Battle
  3. See it in Action

In this guide, we will show you the basic on adding the combo skill and how to use it.

Setting up Combo Skill

To add the Combo Skill, you need to the Auto Mode Settings. To go there, just click the Auto icon at the bottom center corner of the game screen. Then click the gear icon near the label that says “Auto attack nearby monsters”.

At the Auto Battle settings, open the Custom Skill tab. Then at the right hand corner, there is a portion for the Edit Skill. You will find here the two extra fee slot for the Combo Skill. However, the other two slots are locked for the current version of the game. To add a combo skill, edit any of the two free slot for Combo skills. Then on the left hand corner “Available Skills”, just click the passive skill that you want to combine. Then at the three slot at the bottom, click the Refresh icon on any of them.

In addition, you can even adjust the level of skill you want to use on the Combo Slot. Perfect for smurfing your attack damage from other players.

Then add two more active skill on the other 2 slots.

Then repeat the same process on the remaining combo slot.

(Optional) You may also rename the combo skill for your convenience, just click the pencil icon. This way you’ll be able to recognize easily the combo skill.

Using Combo Skill in Auto Battle

Since we already setup our Combo Skill. We will then add these skill on the Auto Battle control slots. Click the Toggle to switch to menu and click the Skills button.

Then at the Class Skills, scroll to the top and you’ll find here the Combo Skill I and Combo Skill II. To Add the combo skill, simply click the Combo skills and add it to your Auto Battle control slots


See it in Action

Once everything is done. You can now test it on the wild, find a monsters or join the MVP dungeon. You will now notice that there will be 3 extra dot on the top of the Combo Skill that combines those skills you added.

When being used, it will use the skill in ascending order, from the first slot to the 3rd skill slot.

Note that this skill will not used up all the skill at once, it will have the same cool down just like the normal skill slot. But this time, it is inside on a single slot (HAHA!)

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